
Belarus has used severe force to quell protest originated against its President, Alexander Lukashenko, who was recently re-elected as the head of the country.  

As per a report, the Belarusian riot police have used water cannon and stun grenades against the protesters.

The protest was triggered by the disputed election – which declared Mr. Alexander as the winner of the presidential election.

Several human rights organisations have raised serious criticism against the way Belarus has handled the protest organised against the disputed election.

Amnesty International has demanded the intervention of the western forces to address the issues developed in Belarus.

In the latest rally also, several people have been booked. Since the emergence of the protest, numerous people have been detained by the Belarus police.

The police, in the latest protest, have blasted protesters with coloured water to mark them out for arrest.

Many believe that it is high time to interfere in the issue.

Belarus is a country in the Eastern Europe, which has enormous growth potential. It is not in a good relation with the European Union.

It has a good relation with Russia. Recently, Russia offered support to the country to quell the protest.

The west is closely watching the development in the Eastern Europe.

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The European country of the United Kingdom is likely to reach a post-Brexit deal with the European Union – from which it walked out recently – soon.

The deal is at present in the negotiation stage. The European Union and the United Kingdom are trying their level best to reach a deal.

The deal is expected to reduce the injures created by the untimely exit of the United Kingdom from the Economic Union – dominated by Germany and France.

Competition rules and fishing rights are the main points which have made the negotiation process difficult.

The UK’s economy is at present not in a good state. It is important for the country to form a policy in favour of the country.

The EU-UK deal is expected to strengthen both the European Union and the United Kingdom.  

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Countries stand in the opposition camp of the one which is led by Russia in the western world has stiffened its stand against Belarus – which has been witnessing a powerful anti-government protest for last few days.

Belarus is a country remain in the camp led by Russia. Notably, it relies heavily of its energy requirement.

Recently, Sweden advised the European Union dominated by Germany and France, to impose a sanction against Belarus.

Subsequently, several western powers close to the EU-led camp have expressed similar views.

A section of people in Belarus is unhappy over the way in which Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected as the head of the country.

Mr. Lukashenko has been ruling the country since the year 1994. The section alleges that the election was carried out in an unfair manner.

Recently, when the president has visited a factory, the workers of that factory has shouted slogans against him.

In the recent days, the ongoing protest has gained a violent nature, as the violent methods used by the police to suppress the protest has doubled the anti-government sentiment.

Though the president has asserted repeatedly that he would not allow another election, he may not be able to rule peacefully keeping his eyes shut towards the protest for long.

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As many as two million EU citizens have received settled status in the European country of the United Kingdom – which recently decided to severe its historic relation with the economic union.

Those who have received the status can remain in the country as long as they want without the fear of deportation – that means the status is akin to citizenship.

No all who applied for the status have received the status. Many applications have been rejected by the UK government, leaving several people in the pit of misery.

In order to address the plight of those who have been rejected the status by the UK, the Liberal Democrats have appealed that the status should be offered to all EU citizens currently in the country.

They have warned the country against the possibility of the emergence of another Windrush-style scandal.

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Leaving the tainted Belarus government in a defenceless position, human rights activists have alleged that protesters who were arrested during the protest against the government have been brutally tortured in the custody of the authority.

Thousands of protesters were detained during the protest organised to express their anger against the opaque way in which the election was conducted.

Many westerns countries have extended support to the protesters. They have come up against strong statement against the Belarus government.

Sweden has requested the European Union to impose tough sanction against Belarus.

In the recent election, President Alexander Lukashenko, who had been ruling the country since 1990s, was re-elected as the supremo of the country.

Though the re-election was a triggering point of the protest, the actual spark had occurred much earlier when the president had announced his intention to take part in the election.

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The post-Covid stimulus package is a very controversial one. The member countries of the European Union have mixed opinions in this matter. Primely, there are two groups. One of them is led by the affected countries like Italy and Spain, and the other is led by certain conservative countries such as Hungary and the Netherlands. The affected faction wants the entire European Union to take the burden of the package. The conservative one is against that idea and wants the beneficiaries to repay the payment once things become stable.

Anyway, the leaders of the member countries of the European Union are set to meet to discuss the matter in the near future.

This is the first time since the outbreak of Covid-19 the leaders have decided to meet in person.

Some top leaders have hinted that the proposed meeting would be very crucial for the fate of the package and for the future of the economic union – which is the most powerful economic union in the world.

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The European country of Austria has issued serious travel warnings for the whole of the Western Balkans.

Meanwhile, in an unusual move, the European Union has added two of the six states in the same region to a safe list.

Notably, some Balkan states in the region are seeing a spike in cases.

As per a recent arrangement, the European Union has agreed to reopened its borders with Serbia and Montenegro.

The category-six warning affects all travel to the Western Balkans and recommends that Austrians return from the countries involved immediately.

Those coming back will either face a 14-day quarantine or must show proof of a negative Covid-19 test.

As per a latest report, the UK, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey are also subject to Austria’s highest warning level in Europe.

It remains unclear how the European Union and its member countries will react to the action taken by the Northern European country.

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The huge recovery fund plan, announced by the European Union to save those countries who have suffered a huge set back because of the measures imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19, has hit a hard wall, as several European countries have opposed the move.

Meanwhile, Germany has expressed its hope in the positive future of the recovery fund policy.

The main demand of those countries who have opposed the policy aggressively is that the fund should be treated as a loan and is to be repaid as soon as possible.

Spain and Italy – the two countries who have suffered the worst – were supposed to benefit greatly from the policy.

The main opposers of the policy are Sweden and Austria.

Germany is expected to convene a serious of meetings in the near future to resolve the crisis.

Earlier, a European leader warned that if this issue was not addressed rightly the European Union might collapse.

The proposed package costs €750bn.

The affected countries urgently need fund. The longer it takes for the fund to reach, the deeper the impact of the crisis becomes.

It is high time to find a solution to this issue. It may require the intervention of the United States of America.

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The European countries of France and Germany has finally agreed to the demand of the southern countries of the Europe to create a recovery fund to help the continent overcome the economic slowdown caused due to the measures taken to curb the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak.

The powerful countries of the north have unanimously proposed a €500bn European recovery fund to be distributed to those EU countries which have not yet fully recovered from the clutches of the Covid-19 outbreak

The decision has been taken during a discussion between French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The latest decision is the exact opposite of its earlier stand on the matter.

The decision is seen as a last resort to save the European Union from falling into the pit of collapse.

Both Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Macron think the decision is necessary to save the European Economic Union from the fate of collapse.

Unlike what was decided earlier, as per the latest agreement the financial burden caused due to the decision will be shared by the European Union budget.

Many have welcomed the step. Most see this necessary to save the European Economic Union – which is the final outcome of years of hard work.

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The European country of Germany has made public burning of the European Union flag or that of another country punishable.

Henceforth, the act will attract a serious punishment of over three year imprisonment. Hereafter, the act will be treated as a hate crime.

The German parliament has approved the motion which aims to make the act of public burning of the flags punishable.

As per the new law, the act of public burning of the aforesaid flags is equal to the crime of defiling the German flag.

The same law applies for the EU anthem also.

The move has cone after Social Democrat (SPD) complained about protesters’ burning of the Israeli flag in Berlin in 2017.

Meanwhile, Alternative for Germany, which is the most powerful party rightist party in the European country of Germany, has strongly condemned the new law.

They have called the act as excessive interference into the right to free speech and artistic expression.

Spain, Italy and Greece also have similar laws which ban desecration of the national flag.

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