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Spain’s Congress has passed a contentious Catalan amnesty law, clearing its final parliamentary hurdle before implementation. The law aims to halt legal actions against Catalan nationalists for their separatist activities, including the 2017 independence referendum and subsequent failed independence bid. The law narrowly passed with 177 votes in favor and 172 against, following a six-month parliamentary process initiated by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s Socialist Party (PSOE). Although delayed by the opposition-controlled Senate, it could not be blocked entirely.

The amnesty will be published in the official gazette, giving judges two months to apply it. While potential legal challenges remain, they are unlikely to impede the law’s implementation. Around 400 Catalan nationalists, involved in separatist actions since November 2011, will benefit, including those prosecuted for organizing the illegal 2017 referendum. Police facing charges for voter assaults during the referendum are also covered.

The most notable beneficiary is Carles Puigdemont, former Catalan president, who led the 2017 secession attempt and has since been in self-exile in Belgium. Puigdemont’s party, Together for Catalonia (JxCat), and the Catalan Republican Left (ERC) secured the amnesty in exchange for supporting Sánchez’s coalition government. Puigdemont plans to return to Spain for an investiture vote in the regional parliament, despite lacking sufficient support to form a government.

Miriam Nogueras of JxCat described the amnesty as “necessary redress” rather than clemency. The PSOE, their coalition partner Sumar, JxCat, ERC, the Basque EH Bildu coalition, the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), and far-left Podemos supported the law. The conservative People’s Party (PP), far-right Vox, and other regional conservatives opposed it. PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo condemned the amnesty as “political corruption,” accusing Sánchez of using it to secure his political position. Conversely, Artemi Rallo of the PSOE argued that the law, along with a 2022 pardon of nine jailed independence leaders, has “normalized politics in Catalonia.”

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Art News Trending

A recently authenticated painting by the celebrated 17th-century artist Caravaggio, titled “Ecce Homo,” is set to debut at the Prado museum in Madrid. Initially misattributed to a lesser-known artist, the painting narrowly avoided auction in 2021 when the Spanish government intervened. Now recognized as a Caravaggio masterpiece, it represents a significant discovery in the art world.

Caravaggio, renowned for his groundbreaking use of light and shadow to depict intense realism, is hailed as a precursor to modern painting. “Ecce Homo” portrays the moment when Roman governor Pontius Pilate presents Christ to the public. With only about 60 known works by Caravaggio, each authenticated piece holds immense value and historical significance.

Believed to have once been part of King Philip IV of Spain’s collection, “Ecce Homo” resurfaced in Madrid in 2021, attributed to a lesser-known artist associated with 17th-century Spanish painter José de Ribera. However, suspicions about its true authorship arose among experts at the Prado, prompting government intervention to prevent its sale.

The painting will be exhibited until October in a special showing at the Prado museum before joining its permanent collection for an additional four months. Sold for €36 million, it will remain on loan to public collections, ensuring its accessibility to art enthusiasts worldwide rather than being held privately.

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Spain has demanded a public apology after Javier Milei, Argentina’s president, implied that the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Begoña Gómez, was corrupt during a far-right rally in Madrid. Although not directly naming her, Milei’s remarks were aimed at Ms. Gómez, whom he associated with corruption, saying, “When you have a corrupt wife, let’s say, it gets dirty.”

The controversy follows an investigation launched in April by a Spanish court into Ms. Gómez over allegations of influence peddling, which an opposition party had raised. The right-wing anti-corruption group making the allegations has since conceded they might be unfounded, and prosecutors called for the dismissal of the case last month due to a lack of evidence.

In response to Milei’s remarks, Spain’s foreign minister, José Manuel Albares, demanded an apology and warned that Spain might cut diplomatic ties with Argentina if none was forthcoming. Albares stated that Milei’s comments insulted both Spain and its leader.

However, Argentina’s Interior Minister Guillermo Francos stated that no apology would be issued by Argentina. Instead, he insisted that Spain should apologize for past remarks made about Milei. This follows a recent incident where a Spanish minister suggested that Milei had used drugs, which Milei condemned as slanderous.

The diplomatic tensions between Spain and Argentina have intensified since Milei, known for his contentious remarks about other world leaders, assumed office. He has previously labeled Brazil’s President Inacio Lula da Silva as an “angry communist” and Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as “ignorant.”

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has declared his intent to continue serving as the country’s leader, despite recent uncertainties surrounding his position. Last week, he announced the suspension of all official engagements following the initiation of a corruption inquiry into his wife. Sánchez denounced the allegations as part of a concerted effort by right-wing media to undermine him.

Sánchez’s decision to temporarily step back from his duties caught many by surprise, including members of his own Socialist Party (PSOE), who were unaware of his contemplation about his political future. Since assuming office in 2018, Sánchez has faced various challenges, but this recent development marked a significant moment of uncertainty for his leadership.

The accusations against Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, were lodged by the organization Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which is led by Miguel Bernad, a figure associated with the far-right. However, on Thursday, the public prosecutor in Madrid recommended shelving the investigation due to a lack of substantial evidence. Additionally, Manos Limpias acknowledged that the allegations might be erroneous, as they were based on potentially false reports from online news sources.

Despite the tumultuous circumstances and the cloud of suspicion surrounding his wife, Sánchez’s resolve to remain in office underscores his determination to weather the political storm and continue leading Spain forward.

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Princess Amalia, the heir to the Dutch throne, reportedly spent over a year in Spain due to serious security threats against her. Dutch media sources, citing information from the public broadcaster NOS, revealed that she opted to study in Madrid for enhanced safety and greater freedom of movement. This decision came after threats emerged in autumn 2022, prompting her relocation from her student accommodation in Amsterdam back to her home.

During this period of heightened security concerns, both Princess Amalia and Prime Minister Mark Rutte faced increased protective measures due to kidnapping threats originating from organized crime in the Netherlands. Queen Máxima expressed her daughter’s inability to enjoy a typical student life during this time, emphasizing the limitations imposed on her activities, including her confinement to their residence.

Despite the challenges, Princess Amalia resumed her studies upon returning to Amsterdam. Fluent in Spanish, a language she acquired through her mother’s Argentinean heritage, she found Madrid to be a comfortable environment for her studies. Reports suggest that she may have already relocated to Madrid by February 2023, as she was seen there alongside her mother and friends.

Princess Amalia’s longing for normalcy was palpable during a state visit to the Caribbean in February 2023, where she expressed missing the ordinary experiences of a student. Despite her time abroad, she was reported to have returned to Amsterdam as early as February to continue her studies in Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics. These revelations about her stay in Spain come ahead of a state visit to the Netherlands by Spanish King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, where Princess Amalia is expected to make her first appearance in a domestic royal visit.

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Brazilian winger Vinicius Jr expressed feeling increasingly reluctant to continue playing football due to the persistent racist abuse he has endured. Despite facing ten reported incidents of racism in La Liga last season, the 23-year-old remains determined not to let racism drive him away from Real Madrid or Spain. Vinicius emphasized his commitment to staying in Spain to defy the racists and asserted that leaving would only serve their agenda. He acknowledged the difficulty of moving past the abuse and stated his dwindling enthusiasm for playing the sport.

Vinicius’s resolve to remain in Spain was reinforced as Brazil prepared to face Spain in an international friendly at the Santiago Bernabeu, coinciding with an anti-racism campaign titled ‘One skin’. Real Madrid recently filed a complaint against a referee for allegedly omitting racist abuse directed at Vinicius from his match report, though Osasuna denied such claims.

The winger has faced numerous instances of racism in recent seasons, including chants from Atletico Madrid fans and fines and stadium bans for offenders involved in racially motivated incidents. This season alone, reports of racist abuse have surfaced during matches against Sevilla, Barcelona, and Valencia.

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Firefighters and forensic experts in Spain have reported the recovery of nine bodies from the wreckage of a 14-floor apartment complex in Valencia after a fire ravaged it. Initially, authorities stated that 10 people had perished, but later revised the number, indicating one person was missing.

The rapid spread of the flames, believed to have originated on the fourth floor of one of the blocks, was attributed to both the cladding affixed to the exterior of the building and strong winds. The fire engulfed the structure within minutes, hindering firefighters’ efforts to reach beyond the 12th floor due to the swift combustion facilitated by the cladding.

Investigations highlighted the cladding, which was permitted under building regulations at the time of construction in 2008 but has since been prohibited, as a potential cause for the fire’s rapid escalation. Despite its ban, there was no initiative to remove the hazardous cladding, contrasting with measures taken in the UK after the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Amidst the devastation, acts of bravery emerged, including the efforts of a caretaker named Julián, who courageously attempted to evacuate residents as the fire spread. Individuals recounted harrowing experiences of escaping the inferno, with some sustaining injuries. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and other officials pledged support for the affected families and communities.

Efforts to aid those displaced by the fire are underway, with initiatives to provide housing and essential supplies. The local community has rallied to offer assistance, with donations pouring in for the survivors. In a gesture of respect for the victims, a La Liga match scheduled for Saturday has been postponed. Valencia FC expressed condolences for the tragedy that befell the city.

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The body discovered in Spain, suspected to be that of Maxim Kuzminov, a Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine in the previous year, was found near Alicante. Despite Spanish authorities withholding public confirmation of his identity, Ukrainian intelligence has acknowledged his demise. The victim was located with documents aligning with Kuzminov’s nationality, albeit bearing a different name, indicating potential use of a false identity.

Kuzminov’s defection unfolded in August when he flew a helicopter into Ukrainian territory, a maneuver termed “Operation Synytsia.” He declared opposition to Russia’s military actions in Ukraine as his primary motivation for switching allegiance. Despite offers of protection and incentives to remain in Ukraine, Kuzminov opted to relocate to Spain.

While Russian authorities have refrained from official commentary, Sergei Naryshkin of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service denounced Kuzminov as a traitor and criminal. Following Kuzminov’s defection, a Russian intelligence officer hinted at his potential demise before facing trial.

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The Spanish region of Catalonia is grappling with its most severe drought on record, prompting the declaration of a state of emergency. With reservoirs dwindling to just 16% of their capacity, over six million residents across 200 towns, including Barcelona, will be subject to stringent water usage restrictions. Measures include bans on car washing and filling swimming pools, as well as significant reductions in water consumption for agriculture and industry.

The severity of the drought is evident in towns like Berga, where residents like Anna Casòliva Freixe, who operates a bakery, express concerns about the lack of water for both essential needs and daily activities. Catalonia, bordering southern France, is unaccustomed to such conditions, and there are considerations to bring in water by ship to Barcelona if local sources run dry, a measure previously taken in 2008.

While the Catalan government had implemented a drought strategy in 2021 to diversify water sources and reduce reliance on reservoirs, the escalating crisis necessitated the imposition of emergency measures. The government acknowledges the possibility of the drought being linked to climate change, given the region’s vulnerability to dry spells and the Mediterranean’s temperature rising 20% faster than the global average.

In Barcelona, the impact of the drought is less immediately visible than in the surrounding mountains, but measures like turning off decorative fountains and restricting watering of gardens have been in effect for a year. As the region, including Barcelona, faces water shortages, concerns arise about its status as a top tourist destination. With over 12 million visitors in 2023, tourism authorities are adapting to the water scarcity by implementing measures in hotels and urging visitors to use water judiciously. Despite preparations, many Catalans express a sense that the situation may worsen, emphasizing the need for a collective reduction in water consumption.

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Francisco José García de Zúñiga, a farmer in Jaén, Spain, is facing a challenging harvest season due to consecutive years of drought in 2022 and 2023. Jaén is a crucial region for olive oil production, with Spain being the world’s largest producer, contributing to 70% of European Union consumption and 45% globally.

The persistent lack of rain in olive-producing areas like Jaén has led to a significant impact on both the quantity and price of olive oil. Mr García de Zúñiga emphasizes that Spain’s challenges affect global production, adhering to the basic law of supply and demand. As Spain produces less oil, global supply decreases, and if demand remains constant, prices rise.

In Spain, olive oil prices have surged by over 70% this year, following a substantial increase in 2022. Factors contributing to this surge include rising costs of fuel, electricity, and fertilizers over the past two years, but the primary factor is the extended period of drought. The Nuestra Señora del Pilar cooperative, one of the world’s largest olive oil factories, experienced a severely low olive harvest in the 2022-23 season.

Cristóbal Gallego Martínez, the cooperative’s president, highlights the impact of climate change on traditional agricultural assumptions. Dry periods are lasting longer, and the usual cycle of poor and good harvests is disrupted. He calls for government measures, such as investing in irrigation systems, to address the changing climate patterns.

The rise in olive oil prices is not limited to Spain, as it has been observed across Europe. Some neighboring countries have seen a less sharp increase, leading to Spaniards crossing borders to purchase slightly cheaper oil. The UK and Ireland, for instance, have lower prices due to having bought oil at a lower cost several months ago.

Despite the economic considerations, experts warn against opting for cheaper alternatives, as olive oil is a vital component of the Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits. Lower-cost alternatives, such as sunflower oil, might lead to a loss in nutritional value. Fernando López-Segura, from Córdoba’s Reina Sofía hospital, underscores the cardiovascular benefits of consuming [virgin extra] olive oil, emphasizing the importance of maintaining its place in the Mediterranean diet. However, current consumption trends are influenced not only by health considerations but also by the unpredictable patterns of rainfall.

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