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A Russian playwright and a theatre director have been convicted of “justifying terrorism” by a Moscow military court. Director Yevgenia Berkovich and playwright Svetlana Petrichuk received six-year sentences for their play, The Brave Falcon Finist. The play, loosely inspired by real events, depicts Russian women traveling to Syria during the civil war to marry Islamic State fighters.

Their defense lawyer has pledged to appeal the verdict. The trial, held partially behind closed doors, has raised concerns about artistic freedom in Russia. In addition to their prison sentences, both women are barred from “administering websites” for three years post-release. They have been in custody since May 2023 and will now be sent to a penal colony, as reported by RBC.

Prosecutors argued that the play conveyed a positive view of IS, with prosecutor Yekaterina Denisova highlighting “signs of justification of terrorism” in the content. At the trial’s outset, Berkovich, 39, and Petrichuk, 44, stated that they created the play to oppose terrorism, expressing strong condemnation of terrorists. Berkovich emphasized her lack of affiliation with any form of Islam, particularly radical forms.

Throughout the trial, both women asserted their innocence. Defense lawyer Ksenia Karpinskaya condemned the trial as “absolutely illegal” and “unfair,” committing to appeal despite having “little hope.” She emphasized the innocence of both women.

Supporters suggest Berkovich’s prosecution may be linked to her critical poems about Russia’s military actions in Ukraine. Since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s artistic community has faced growing pressure from the Kremlin. Notable Russian figures, including newspaper editor Dmitry Muratov and actress Yulia Peresild, have expressed support for Berkovich and Petrichuk.

The Brave Falcon Finist, which debuted in 2020, won two Golden Mask Theatre Awards for best playwright and best costumes. Recently, Russia has experienced deadly Islamist militant attacks in Moscow and Dagestan, with the Kremlin making unproven claims of Ukraine’s involvement.

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Kyiv would hold peace talks with Russia immediately if Moscow withdrew from all Ukrainian territories, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky. Speaking at the conclusion of a peace summit in Switzerland, Zelensky expressed skepticism about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s willingness to end the conflict, emphasizing the need to stop him by any means necessary, whether military or diplomatic. He acknowledged that Western aid alone was insufficient to secure victory but noted that the summit demonstrated sustained international support for Ukraine.

The summit ended with many countries reaffirming their commitment to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and adopting a document that attributed the war’s suffering and destruction to Russia. However, some attendees, including India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, did not sign the document. The summit aimed to gather broad backing for efforts to end the war, attracting over 90 countries and international organizations. Notably, Russia and its ally China were absent, casting doubt on the summit’s effectiveness. Some participants, like Saudi Arabia and Kenya, were not Ukraine’s staunchest supporters.

The final document called for Ukrainian control over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, currently occupied by Russia, and referred to the conflict as a “war,” a term Moscow rejects. It also demanded the exchange of all prisoners and the return of children abducted by Russia. Contentious issues, such as the status of territories under Russian occupation, were deferred for future discussion.

After the summit, Zelensky thanked the attendees for their independence in attending despite Russian pressure. He reiterated that Ukraine had always sought peace and that Russia could start negotiations by withdrawing from Ukrainian territories. He also clarified that China was not Ukraine’s enemy and called on Beijing to engage seriously in peace efforts.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte highlighted the unity among attendees in seeking peace, despite differing opinions on achieving it. He emphasized shared principles, such as opposing invasions, child abductions, manipulation of food supplies, and threats to nuclear safety.

While there was an expectation for unanimous condemnation of Russia’s invasion, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer indicated that not all delegations supported the final statement. Zelensky stated that the summit’s results would be communicated to Moscow, aiming for a conclusive peace agreement at a subsequent summit.

Russia dismissed the Swiss event as unproductive. Putin proposed a ceasefire if Ukraine withdrew from four regions claimed by Russia, but this was strongly rejected by Western leaders, with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni calling it propaganda and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak accusing Putin of spinning a false narrative. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov later mentioned that Putin did not rule out talks with Ukraine but insisted on guarantees for their credibility, excluding Zelensky as a participant.

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UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron, during his visit to Kyiv, reiterated the UK’s commitment to supporting Ukraine with £3 billion annually for defense purposes. He emphasized Ukraine’s sovereign right to defend itself and acknowledged the necessity of striking back at Russia in response to aggression. However, this stance was met with criticism from Russia, which condemned it as a dangerous escalation that could jeopardize European security. Despite this, Lord Cameron maintained the UK’s position in supporting Ukraine’s defensive actions.

The United States reportedly advised Ukraine against targeting Russian oil refineries out of concern that such actions could provoke further escalation in the conflict. This caution reflects broader international efforts to mitigate tensions and prevent the situation from deteriorating into a full-scale war. The delicate balance of power in the region underscores the importance of diplomatic dialogue and strategic restraint in managing the crisis.

Meanwhile, Russian advancements in eastern Ukraine have heightened fears of an impending summer offensive. Ukrainian intelligence officials warn of potential Russian offensives in the northeastern regions of Kharkiv and Sumy. The Ukrainian military remains vigilant, anticipating further incursions and preparing to defend key strategic positions. Despite these challenges, Ukraine maintains its determination to resist Russian aggression and safeguard its territorial integrity.

In response to Lord Cameron’s statements, Russian officials criticized what they perceive as Western involvement in a “hybrid war” against Moscow. This rhetoric underscores the deep-seated geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West, which continue to shape the dynamics of the conflict in Ukraine. As diplomatic exchanges intensify and military maneuvers unfold, the situation remains fluid, with the risk of escalation ever-present.

Amidst the ongoing conflict, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal has sought assistance from Lord Cameron to help restore the country’s energy infrastructure, which has been severely damaged by repeated Russian missile strikes. This plea underscores the urgent humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian people and the importance of international support in rebuilding the country’s infrastructure and ensuring its long-term stability.

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Four men have been charged by Russian authorities for their alleged involvement in a terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, resulting in the tragic deaths of at least 137 individuals. These suspects, marched into a Moscow court, faced charges related to committing an act of terrorism. However, their appearance in court raised concerns as they exhibited signs of physical abuse, with reports suggesting mistreatment during their arrest.

The attack, which occurred at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, involved gunmen storming the venue during a rock concert attended by approximately 6,000 people. The assailants unleashed gunfire and set fires within the hall, leading to chaos and widespread devastation. Russian officials reported over a hundred injuries in addition to the significant loss of life.

Despite the Islamic State group claiming responsibility for the attack, Russian authorities have insinuated, without evidence, Ukrainian involvement. This assertion has been vehemently denied by Ukrainian officials, who have dismissed it as unfounded and absurd. Meanwhile, the suspects, identified as citizens of Tajikistan, have been detained pending further investigation, with their detention extended until May 22.

The incident underscores the ongoing threat posed by extremist groups like IS, particularly in regions like Central Asia. Security analysts point to various factors driving such attacks, including geopolitical tensions and historical conflicts. The rise of IS-K, a branch of IS operating in Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia, highlights the organization’s adaptability and continued efforts to target regions beyond its traditional strongholds.

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Gunmen launched a devastating assault on a concert hall near Moscow, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 60 lives and leaving around 100 people injured, as confirmed by Russian security services. The attackers, numbering at least four and clad in camouflage attire, stormed the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, igniting chaos and terror.

The concert hall, moments away from hosting a rock concert, witnessed the assailants infiltrating both the foyer and the theatre, setting parts of the building ablaze, which eventually led to a portion of the roof collapsing. Shockingly, children were among the casualties, prompting swift condemnation from the Russian foreign ministry, which labeled the incident a “terrorist attack.”

Although an online statement attributed to the Islamic State claimed responsibility, the assertion remains unverified. Nevertheless, US officials disclosed intelligence suggesting IS harbored intentions to target Russia, a warning conveyed to Russian authorities earlier. Subsequently, Russia’s National Guard mobilized special units to apprehend the attackers, while top officials rushed to the scene.

The harrowing assault unfolded just as thousands gathered for a rock concert by the band Picnic, narrowly sparing the musicians themselves from harm. Witnesses recounted scenes of horror as gunfire erupted, prompting frantic attempts to seek refuge or escape. Fire engulfed the premises, likely initiated by incendiary devices hurled by the assailants.

Emergency responders swarmed the area, tending to the wounded and facilitating evacuations. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin responded by canceling all public events in the capital, with other regions following suit. Amid the grief and shock, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called for international condemnation of what she described as “a monstrous crime.”

While Ukrainian officials swiftly disavowed any involvement, tensions heightened as Ukrainian military intelligence insinuated possible Russian involvement, an allegation dismissed by Russian authorities. The attack bore eerie parallels to the 2002 theatre siege in Moscow, evoking memories of past tragedies.

In response to the atrocity, security measures were reinforced at key transport hubs, reflecting a nation on edge in the wake of this appalling act of violence. The White House expressed profound sympathy for the victims, denouncing the attack as an unfathomable act of brutality.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently enjoyed his inaugural ride in a luxury car gifted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, marking a symbolic moment in the strengthening relationship between Pyongyang and Moscow. This gesture underscores the deepening ties since their summit in September, as Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, highlighted the significance of the occasion as evidence of the robust DPRK-Russia friendship. The vehicle, an Aurus Senat limousine, arrived in Pyongyang in February after Putin’s invitation to Kim during their meeting.

Aurus, touted as Russia’s premier luxury car brand, has been a staple in the motorcades of top Russian officials since Putin’s inauguration in 2018. Notably, Kim Jong Un, known for his collection of foreign luxury cars, has previously utilized vehicles like the Maybach limousine during his travels, including his visit to Russia. However, the gift of the Aurus adds another dimension to his collection.

Despite the diplomatic exchange, concerns have been raised, particularly regarding potential violations of UN sanctions. The Ministry of Unification in South Korea condemned North Korea’s public display of the gift, stressing Russia’s responsibility as a UN Security Council member. Additionally, there are concerns about the close ties between North Korea and Russia amid the latter’s conflict with Ukraine and suspicions of military cooperation between the two nations.

Kim’s use of the luxury vehicle was coupled with overseeing military drills, emphasizing his country’s military capabilities. Furthermore, his daughter accompanied him during this event, indicating a potential succession plan within the leadership.

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Russian authorities have reported several incidents of vandalism occurring at polling stations during the initial day of the presidential elections. These acts included pouring green dye into ballot boxes, setting them ablaze, and igniting fireworks within the polling stations. Despite these disturbances, Vladimir Putin is expected to secure another six-year term in office, as there is no significant opposition challenging his candidacy.

The voting process spans three days until Sunday, with turnout reaching 23% in Moscow by late afternoon. Most of the reported incidents took place in Moscow, Voronezh, and the region of Karachay-Cherkessia. BBC Verify has confirmed footage of several incidents, including the throwing of petrol bombs and the pouring of paint into ballot boxes.

Some incidents occurred in occupied areas of Ukraine, resulting in at least eight arrests. While the motives behind these acts remain unclear, some vandals reportedly shouted pro-Ukrainian slogans. The Central Election Committee has confirmed five incidents involving liquids being poured into ballot boxes, with the substance identified as “zelyonka,” commonly used as an antiseptic but also in protests.

Election Commission chief Ella Pamfilova strongly condemned the perpetrators, labeling them as “scumbags.” She revealed that some of those detained admitted to committing the acts for financial gain and could face up to five years in jail. Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Putin’s critic Alexei Navalny, has called for opposition protests at polling stations on Sunday. She urged the West not to recognize Putin’s presidency, a sentiment echoed by NATO’s secretary-general, who declared the election not free and fair.

Polling stations opened in Kamchatka at 08:00 local time on Friday and will close in Kaliningrad at 20:00 on Sunday, marking the conclusion of the voting process.

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Moscow is orchestrating a significant effort urging residents in occupied parts of Ukraine to participate in Russia’s presidential election. The election, spanning three days for the first time, is being supplemented with early voting in regions under occupation, including Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk.

Reports indicate coercion tactics, with pro-Russian collaborators and armed soldiers visiting households with ballot boxes to encourage voting. While Vladimir Putin’s victory seems assured, a high turnout would bolster Kremlin’s legitimacy and potentially justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Residents are pressured through various means, including home visits by electoral representatives accompanied by armed individuals, data collection, and filming. Despite resistance and attacks on election organizers, Moscow continues to promote the vote as an endorsement of Putin’s leadership, using symbols associated with the Ukraine conflict.

However, critics denounce the process as undemocratic and farcical, citing intimidation tactics, forced participation, and the absence of genuine opposition. Many residents, fearful of repercussions, reluctantly comply with the orchestrated election process.

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Hundreds of individuals in Russia gathered for the funeral of Alexei Navalny, the outspoken Putin critic who died in prison last month. Despite a substantial police presence and erected barricades, mourners broke into applause as Navalny’s body was brought into a church near Moscow. Attendees knowingly risked arrest for expressing support, while Navalny’s wife squarely pointed the finger at President Putin for his demise, contrary to Moscow’s claim of natural causes.

Navalny’s memorial service commenced at 14:00 Moscow time at the Church of the Icon of Our Lady Quench My Sorrows, with notable foreign diplomats present in solidarity. Following the service, Navalny was laid to rest at Borisovskoye Cemetery. Despite efforts to broadcast the event live, disruptions to mobile signals hindered streaming, leaving many unable to witness the proceedings.

Despite warnings from the Kremlin, mourners seized the opportunity to voice their admiration for Navalny’s bravery and questioned the authorities’ apparent fear. Navalny’s team encountered challenges in organizing the funeral, including difficulties in procuring a hearse. Supporters abroad were urged to participate in memorial services, reminiscent of past public displays of grief for opposition figures.

Concerns about surveillance and the potential for post-funeral detentions were widespread, with social media platforms sharing advice urging attendees to exercise caution. The gathering was marked by a sense of defiance against government crackdowns on dissent.

Navalny’s immediate family, excluding his children residing abroad, attended the ceremony. However, his widow, Yulia, faced potential arrest upon her return to Russia, further underscoring the risks associated with opposition activism in the country.

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Alexei Navalny’s burial is confirmed to take place at Borisovskoye Cemetery in Moscow on Friday, following a farewell ceremony at a local church. Yulia Navalnaya, his widow, expressed uncertainty about the funeral’s peacefulness and the potential for police interference.

Navalny, a prominent critic of Vladimir Putin, died unexpectedly in a Siberian prison earlier this month, sparking accusations against the Russian president from his widow and many world leaders. Details surrounding Navalny’s death remain scant, with Russian authorities initially resisting releasing his body to his family.

Funeral arrangements faced obstacles, with some funeral homes refusing service due to the deceased’s identity. Yulia Navalnaya addressed the European Parliament, criticizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine and advocating for a more effective strategy against Putin.

The funeral date was adjusted due to logistical challenges, with Navalny’s team urging attendees to arrive early. Security concerns loom over the event, given recent arrests of those paying tribute to Navalny across Russia. Allegations surfaced of a potential prisoner swap involving Navalny, but the Kremlin denies any knowledge of such arrangements.

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