
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that New Zealand is immediately banning the sale of assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, after the country’s worst-ever attack that killed 50 people in two mosques. PM is all set to tighten the country’s gun laws.

In a news conference on Thursday, Ardern said, “Every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned in this country”. “It’s in the national interest and it’s about safety, to prevent an act of terror from ever happening again in our country”.

She added that “The effect of this will mean that no one will be able to buy these weapons without a permit to procure from the police. I can assure people that there is no point in applying for such a permit”.

She said that the high capacity magazines and devices similar to bump stocks which make rifles fire faster will also be banned.

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An Italian driver of Senegalese origin hijacks a school bus, carrying 51 children and set alight near Milan in Italy. The children were rescued through smashed windows at the back of the bus. It is reported that no children were injured badly. Fourteen people had suffered from smoke inhalation.

The driver has been arrested by the police. He said that this hijacking was done as a protest against migrant deaths in the Mediterranean. He claimed that three of his own children were lost at the sea. It is reported that the police had identified the driver as Ousseynou Sy (47), an Italian citizen.

At the time of rescuing, some of the children were found tied up. The driver was alleged to have said, “No-one will survive”.

Milan prosecutor Francesco Greco said, “It is a miracle, it could have been carnage. The police were outstanding, blocking the bus and getting the children off”.

The school bus carrying 51 students in year two of secondary school in Crema, were returning from a sports outing. The children were accompanied by by three adults. After a few time, the driver had suddenly changed the root of the bus, saying that he was taking them all hostage.

The driver then threatened the passengers, with a knife, and one among the students had called his parents. The parent had alerted the police regarding this.

“No one is getting out of here alive,” he said, according to the student’s words. Once the bus stopped, the driver jumped off and set it alight, having already doused it in petrol. The children were rescued through smashed windows at the back of the bus.

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British Prime minister Theresa May will not be asking the EU for a longer extension. It is reported that the PM will only ask for a short extension to article 50 delaying Brexit by less than three months.

A dispute had occured among pro-leave cabinet ministers and MPs that threatened her premiership. It is reported that the delay would not be beyond the end of June.

Theresa May was intended to agree a longer extension with the EU involving European parliamentary elections if her withdrawal agreement did not pass by Wednesday.

Iain Duncan Smith a former Tory leader and a prominent Brexiteer had said that 90% of Conservative MPs would vote against a longer delay and ignoring their views would leave the party in “deep trouble”.

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International Relations News

The US President Donald Trump hosted Jair Bolsonaro, the Brazilian president, at the White House on Tuesday. Trump had pledged to give more U.S. support to Brazil’s global ambitions.

Trump said in a joint news conference in the White House Rose Garden that he told Bolsonaro he would designate Brazil a major non-NATO ally and possibly go further by supporting a campaign to make Brazil “maybe a NATO ally”.

Bolsonaro said, “Brazil and the United States are tied by the guarantee of liberty, respect for the traditional family, the fear of God our creator, against gender identity, political correctness and fake news”.

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Food Trending

Check out an easy home made Caramel bread pudding recipe (without egg) that can be made without an oven !


  • Sugar : 3/4 cup
  • Bread : 6 slices
  • Custard powder : 4 tbsp
  • Water : 1/2 cup
  • Milk : 1 1/2 cup
  • Dry fruits for garnishing


Take a pan and add 1/4 cup of sugar. Heat and caramelize the sugar. Wait until it becomes dark brown in colour. Immediately transfer it into a 6 inch baking pan. Spread it evenly on the bottom of the pan and keep it aside.

Take 6 slices of bread and remove its edges with a knife. Cut it into small pieces. Grind it well. Take 4 tbsp of custard powder and mix ti with 1/2 cup of water. Keep it aside. In a pan, take 1 1/2 cup of milk. Add 1/2 cup of sugar into it. Cook it on medium flame. Add the custard mixture into it. Mix it well and continue cooking on medium flame.

Keep stirring and cook it until it becomes a little thick consistency. Keep the flame low and gradually add the bread crumbs into it. Mix it properly by continuously stirring. Pour this thick mixture over the caramel in the baking pan. Tap it slowly for setting, and make the top even. Cover the pan an aluminium foil.

Pour some hot water into a pan. Place a stand onto the pan to hold the mould. Place the mould onto the stand. Cover it with a lid and steam it on medium flame for 20 to 30 minutes. Bring it in room temperature and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours. Take it out into a plate. Garnish it with dry fruits and serve!

Image courtesy: delishpotpourri. com / images are subject to copyright

Food Trending

This Italian sweet cream dessert will surely take you to a toothsome world!


  • Cream : 2 cups
  • Vanilla Pod : 1
  • Sugar : 2 1/2 tbsp
  • 1 leaf of Gelatin
  • Vanilla essence : 1 tsp
  • Dark rum : 1 tbsp
  • Strawberries for garnishing


Soak the gelatin leaf in a little cold water until it becomes soft. In a heavy based pot, add the cream and sugar. Split and scrape out the vanilla pod. Add the whole pod and vanilla extract to the pot. Mix and bring the whole ingredients in the pot to boil.

Take off the heat and add the soaked gelatin into it, until it gets dissolved. Add the rum into it. Strain this through a fine sieve, into the moulds of your desired shape. Refrigerate this overnight, until it sets well. Before taking it of from the moulds, dip these moulds in warm water for about 5 seconds. Take it out, garnish it with strawberries and serve!

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While speaking to the media during a Post Cabinet press conference at Parliament in Wellington, on March 18, 2019, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern praised the bravery and courage by worshipers as a lone gunman massacred their friends and family, saying the nation stood with its grieving Muslim community in this “darkest of days”.

The preparations for the first burials were underway for the 50 people killed in the attack. The PM had specially mentioned three worshippers, including one of the first killed in the attack.

She had mentioned about the first man who opened the door of the Al-Noor mosque mosque – Hati Mohemmed Daoud Nabi (71). He “uttered the words ‘Hello brother, welcome’. His final words”, said Ardern.

“Of course he had no idea of the hate that sat behind the door, but his welcome tells us so much – that he was a member of a faith that welcomed all its members, that showed openness, and care”, added the PM in an emotional address to a special meeting of parliament.

About the terrorist Brenton Tarrant, who was arrested by the police, PM said “He will face the full force of the law in New Zealand”.

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News Technology

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings on Monday said that they will not be joining the Apple TV service. He had confirmed that his company will not sell subscriptions or offer existing content to customers through an Apple branded video streaming service expected for unveiling on March 25.

Hastings told the reporters at the company’s offices in Hollywood, “Apple’s a great company. We want to have people watch our shows on our services”. “We have chosen not to integrate with their service”, he added.

A television and video service was expected to be unveiled by Apple, at an event on March 25th. As per reports, the company might have as many as 11 shows ready to preview at the media gathering.

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News Technology

The Apple – Spotify war continues! Swedish audio streaming company finally calls the Tech giant a ‘monopolist’. Spotify had given complaints against Apple in the European Union, claiming that Apple is illegally involving in App store.

Apple is charging a 30 percent to the developers for subscriptions, and Spotify is not happy in this. It said that it’s designed to give Apple Music an unfair advantage in the marketplace. The Spotify had launched a website called Time to Play Fair, and had outlined the complaints against Apple.

Apple reacted to Spotify’s claims saying “wants all the benefits of a free app without being free”. Spotify reportedly said, “Every monopolist will suggest they have done nothing wrong and will argue that they have the best interests of competitors and consumers at heart”. “This is evident in Apple’s belief that Spotify’s users on iOS are Apple customers and not Spotify customers, which goes to the very heart of the issue with Apple”.

Spotify is a Swedish audio streaming platform that provides DRM-protected music and podcasts from record labels and media companies. As a freemium service, basic features are free with advertisements or automatic music videos, while additional features, such as improved streaming quality, are offered via paid subscriptions.

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After the deadly shooting incident at NewZealand mosques, the Australian police conducted a raid at two homes in New South Wales.

These houses are suspected to be linked to the shootings at Christchurch mosques as New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said her government had agreed in principle to introducing tougher gun laws.

A search warrant was executed on Monday morning by (JCTT) Joint Counter Terrorism Team at a home in the town of Sandy Beach, said the police. Soon after that, a warrant was issued at another home in Lawrence, near Maclean.

The identification of the home’s owners were declined by The Australian Federal Police and NSW Police.

In a joint statement, the agencies said “The primary aim of the activity is to formally obtain material that may assist New Zealand Police in their ongoing investigation”.

They added that the arrested Australian man’s family were assisting the police. It was reported by some Australian media that one among those houses were of the arrested Australian ‘s sister.

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