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The European Commission has proposed extending sanctions on Russia to include diamonds in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia is a major global producer of rough diamonds, with a significant portion coming from mines beneath the Siberian permafrost. The proposed ban is part of the EU’s 12th round of measures against Moscow and is set to take effect in January. While previous sanctions covered various Russian exports, including coal, gas, gold, vodka, and caviar, diamonds had been spared, largely due to Belgium’s efforts to protect Antwerp, the global diamond capital. However, pressure to stop Russian diamond supplies has mounted, with concerns about the ethics of funding the Kremlin through diamond purchases.

Antwerp, which has been a diamond hub since the 15th century, has historically relied heavily on Russian diamonds, with over 80% of global rough diamonds traded there before the war. The proposed ban has led some diamond dealers to seek alternative suppliers, though the shift may result in increased costs for both businesses and consumers. Critics argue that importing Russian diamonds is unethical, as a significant portion of the profits goes to the Kremlin. The US banned imports of rough diamonds from Russia and imposed sanctions on the main producer, Alrosa, in April, linking the trade to the conflict in Ukraine.

The ban faces challenges due to the lack of transparency in the diamond trade. Unlike other products with clear certifications of origin, diamonds often lack traceability, changing hands numerous times between the mine and market. This opacity has made the diamond trade attractive to criminal activities. A significant complication is that 90% of global diamond supplies are sent abroad for cutting and polishing, mainly in India, where they are labeled as of Indian origin. Closing this loophole is crucial for the ban’s effectiveness. However, success depends on India’s cooperation, and so far, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not reduced economic ties with Russia.

While some argue that the ban may still allow some Russian diamonds to enter the European market, proponents believe it will discourage the purchase of jewelry financing the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine. The diamond industry, particularly in India, remains a significant employer, creating challenges for implementing a ban without causing job losses. Despite these complexities, there is a sense of urgency to address the issue, as Russian diamonds are increasingly associated with war and human rights violations. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo expressed the belief that EU sanctions will have a meaningful impact on reducing support for the conflict.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright

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Austria’s former Foreign Minister, Karin Kneissl, known for her pro-Russian stance, is relocating to St. Petersburg, Russia, accompanied by her two ponies.

Karin Kneissl had previously been residing in Lebanon but left her government position amid a scandal involving the far-right Austrian party that appointed her.

She explained that her ponies were transported to St. Petersburg via a Russian military transport plane from Syria.

Ms. Kneissl disclosed that her decision to move to Russia was driven by her role in managing a think tank at St. Petersburg University, which she co-founded. She emphasized the dedication required for this work and her inability to carry it out remotely.

When asked about her move to Russia’s second-largest city, she declined to provide further comment. However, on social media, she mentioned that her stay in Lebanon had been temporary “to survive” while she commuted to Russia for teaching.

Ms. Kneissl is renowned for her love of animals and cited sanctions against Syria and the security situation there as the reasons for using a military transport plane to bring her ponies and belongings to Russia.

The Leningrad region’s veterinary department confirmed that the ponies had undergone examinations and were placed in quarantine.

Karin Kneissl served as Austria’s Foreign Minister from 2017 to 2019, appointed as an independent by Austria’s far-right Freedom Party, which has close ties to Russia.

She gained international attention in 2018 when she invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to her wedding in southern Austria, with photographs showing her dancing with him.

Ms. Kneissl announced her move to Russia while attending the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, an annual event aimed at encouraging investment in Russia’s far east. During the forum, she was seen appearing to fall asleep while listening to President Putin’s keynote speech.

Karin Kneissl is a regular commentator on the Russian state-backed news channel RT and served as a board member of the state-owned oil company Rosneft.

She left Austria in 2020, citing death threats and a de facto ban on working in the country.

Her departure followed the collapse of the government coalition between the conservatives and the far-right Freedom Party in 2019, triggered by a scandal involving FPÖ leader Heinz Christian Strache, who was filmed allegedly promising government contracts to a woman posing as a niece of a Russian oligarch at a villa in Ibiza.

Currently, the Freedom Party is in opposition but leads in opinion polls, making it a strong contender in upcoming elections. Its new leader, Herbert Kickl, has criticized EU sanctions against Russia, blaming them for the rising cost of living.

Peter Gridling, Austria’s former spymaster from 2008 to 2020, expressed concerns about the Freedom Party’s ties with Russia and warned that the party had not severed its connections with the Kremlin.

Vienna, Austria’s capital, has a longstanding tradition as a hub for espionage, which persists to this day.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright