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How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as man strives for right.
I love thee purely
, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old grief and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints – I love thee with breadth,
Smiles, tears, of all my life – and, if God choose
I shall but love thee better after death
.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Nothing defines the concept of eternal love better than these fourteen lines of Mrs. Browning. The poem portrays the depth of Mrs. Browning’s love towards her husband, Robert Browning.

‘How do I love thee’ is one of the truly heart-touching poems the British literature has ever witnessed.

The poem has a soul. It is simple, yet deep. It is eternal. Interestingly, it does not have a defined gender. In that sense, it is universal also.

The deeper you go into the poem, the purer your notion about eternal love becomes. In fact, that is the only thing this poem demands.

What the poet discusses is not the love that can only be experienced physically. Her love transcends everything – including the cycle of death and birth.

What she portrays is a love which is selfless. Her love does not expect praise either. It even fills the usual silence she experiences with her loved one, like it occupies their joyous moments.

Those who have not experienced this poem at least once are real losers. What they have missed is a rare opportunity to feel the taste of eternal love.

Enjoy Reading!

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Those social media accounts used to leak some sensitive documents pertain to the UK-US trade talk has been taken down by the online platform which was used to do the act.

It was Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who brought the attention of the common public of the European country of the United Kingdom at first to the leaked documents.

He quoted the documents during a campaign session recently. He used the documents to justify his comment that the present UK government tries to sell the country’s National Health Service.

The documents had appeared in the social media platform at least a month before the Labour leader quoted those in the said campaign.

The social media platform has found the links the leaked documents have with some accounts based in Russia.

The majority of those accounts that has been taken down are those which have links with Russia. The social media suspects the action as a coordinated effort.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has called the leak a positive act.

The leak is expected to give a serious blow to the, already embattled, Conservatives.

The big question that remains is whether the Labour Party will be able to use the leak in its favour in the upcoming election in the United Kingdom.

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China has released the confession video of an UK embassy worker, who was arrested a couple of weeks ago on the charge of soliciting prostitution.

It is alleged that the employee of the UK’s Hong Kong embassy was tortured and forced to give a confession against his wish. It is said that he was threatened with the serious charge of espionage.

Many see a clear connection between the arrest of the UK embassy official and the ongoing protest in Hong Kong against China.

In the recent past, the city of Hong Kong has witnessed several demonstrations in support of the UK embassy official.

The release of the confession video is seen as a tactics of China to avoid the ire of the United Kingdom, which is unhappy with the move of the Communist Country that has created serious difficulty to its embassy employee.

The situation in Hong Kong has matured from bad to worst. Many western powers, including the UK and the US, have warned China.

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Crime Trending

Sweden has dropped the charge of rape registered against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whose website is famous for its explosive information leaks.

The incident led to the case happened in the year 2010. Shortly after the issuance of an arrest warrant in connection with the case, he sought political asylum in the Ecuadoran embassy situated in the UK.

Recently, he was pulled out of the embassy by the UK with the silent permission of the country of Ecuador.

Now, he is in a UK prison facing a minor punishment for violating his bail terms.

Sweden says that there is clarity in the statement given by the victim. But, the country feels it does not have enough evidence to prove the charge at this moment.

The statute of limitations in the case is about to end in the coming August.

Neither Mr. Assange nor any of his representatives have responded in the issue.

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Politics Trending

A Hong Kong pro-democratic activist, who has found himself emotionally disturbed due to the ongoing confrontation between the pro-democracy camp and the Hong Kong administration controlled by the mainland, has alleged, in a footage appeared in a leading International Media website, that the United Kingdom sold out his city to the Communist Country of China during the 1980s.

Until the year 1997, the city of Hong Kong was under the UK. In that year, it was handed over to China – but, with a condition that it would not threaten the lifestyle and values the people of the city inherited from their colonial master.

But, the present reality is different. Now, there are many in the city who shares the same opinion as that of the aforementioned activist.

It is the China’s increased interference in the internal affairs of the city that has fuelled the formation of a strong anti-China sentiment in the minds of the youngsters of the city.

At present, China rules Hong Kong as per a one country two system policy. What the pro-democratic faction fears is the gradual transformation of this policy to a much-aggressive one country one system policy – which is capable enough to threaten the present lifestyle and values of the people of the city.

They consider some of the policies the pro-China Hong Kong administration have introduced in the recent past including the much opposed bill seeking the easy extradition of crime suspects from the city to the mainland as the predecessor of that possible transformation.

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International Relations News

The western powers, such as the US, UK, Germany and France, are closely observing the developments in the Asian city of Hong Kong.

For the last few months, the city has been struggling under the clutches of violence. Several people have lost their life due to violence in the city.

Recently, an elderly man, who was working as a cleaning staff, lost his life when he accidently trapped between two protesting groups aggressively throwing stones against each other. He was struck by a stone. He later succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment in a hospital.

Similarly, a young protester has lost his life last week when he had fallen from a building while resisting a police action.

Protesters say that as the police use fatal weapons against them they find it important to upgrade the materials they use for their defence.

What the streets of the city have been witnessing for the last few days has been nothing less than an aggressive street war between the police and the protesters.

When the police have used real bullets against the protesters, the latter has increased the effectiveness of their defence materials, like petrol bombs and stones, considerably.

With China not ready to pay heed to what its integral part has to say, it is up to the west to decide whether this city deserves peace or not.

The west earlier urged the Asian country of China to take a humanitarian stand on the issue concerning to the city of Hong Kong.

What has China repeatedly proved is the country is not ready to consider the Hong Kong issue through the prism shown to them by the west.

Actually, the west is the backbone of the Hong Kong economy. For that reason, the opinion of the west on the issue cannot be dismissed that easily.

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Crime News

A shocking report from Hong Kong has jolted the social media platforms today. It is the report about a young boy who has been gunned down by a policeman.

It is not the first time a report about police atrocity has come from the former British colony.

The region for last few months is in a disturbed state. In the recent past, several time agitated Hong Kongers have confronted the police.

The protesters want China to exercise less authority over the internal affairs of their region.

They are not of the opinion that Hong Kong is an integral part of China. And, they are not happy with the centralised government policy, but are in support of the two government policy – thus, the idea of greater autonomy to Hong Kong.

The continuing police atrocities mean that the Hong Kong government, which is under the control of China, is ready to go to any extent to suppress the protest against the government.

The government has recently attracted severe criticism from the west, especially from the European countries such as Germany.

The government knows very well that it cannot continue like this forever. It is also worried about the warned exist of multinational companies from the region.

The economy of the country heavily relies on the MNCs based in the region. If the MNCs leave this land, it will bring a huge disaster.

It was a bill, which seeks the easy extradition of criminals from Hong Kong to China, triggered the protest. The bill was later shelved permanently. But, the protesters were not ready to settle with that alone. Thus, the protest, emerged as a small agitation against an unwelcoming bill, transformed into a huge political movement aimed to achieve greater autonomy and less foreign (especially, Chinese) intervention.

The entire world is watching the developments in Hong Kong.

Are you in Hong Kong? If it is safe to do so, please share us about the present political situation in the region. The world wants to hear you!

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In the recent past, tens of thousands of Vietnamese people have risked their life to reach the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, most of them have not succeeded in their mission. And, some of them have even fallen under the clutches of death.

Yet, the illegal migrant flow from Vietnamese to the UK is still heavy. Middlemen make millions through the business.

It is poverty in Vietnam that keeps the flow heavy. Even though Vietnam is a booming economy, the wealth is not distributed equality in the country. Therefore, some regions in the country are still poor. It is those in this region more vulnerable compared to the rest.

There are two kinds of travel options available: premium and economy. Even though the latter sounds to be less risky, in reality both are equally risky.

From the moment an illegal migrant steps out of his/her country, he/she is under the mercy of his/her agent. That means anything can happen to a illegal migrant en route to his/her dream country.

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The United Kingdom region of Northern Ireland has overturned its laws on same sex marriage and abortion.

In the region, abortion is no longer crime, and same sex marriages, unlike before, can be done legally hereafter.

The removal of the laws has come as a result of the decades-old protest of progressive groups against the government.

Most progressive groups have welcomed the move. Many have gathered in the streets of the country to celebrate their victory over the conservative elements of the region, which has been campaigning against the removal of the laws for decades.

As per a report, the first same sex marriage of the region is going to take place in February next year. The identity of the couple has not been publicised yet.

Some has called this the rebirth of Northern Ireland.

The region is very conservative compared to the rest of the United Kingdom. Not many have expected that this would happen to this region.

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International Relations International Trade News

The representatives, who were sent by the European Union and the United Kingdom, have reached a new Brexit deal. UK President Boris Johnson has called the deal as great.

The deal needs the assent of both the European Union parliament and the United Kingdom parliament.

The DUP, the party based in the Ireland region of the UK, has expressed its disagreement with the new deal.

It has declined to give its support to the bill. The party is likely to vote against the bill in the British parliament.

The UK is nearing a deadline given to reach a Brexit deal with the EU and get it passed its parliament.

Day by day, the pressure over the present UK government is increasing. The UK PM is very keen to reach a deal with the EU over the matter of Brexit as soon as possible.

The DUP has a considerable amount of strength in the British parliament. But, it is not as powerful as to get the deal defeated singlehandedly.

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