France unhappy with US’ protectionist attitude

A new statement made by France President Emanuel Macron clearly indicates that the European country of France is unhappy with the protectionist attitude of the United States of America.
As the NATO members are at the doorstep of a crucial meeting, the statement made by France is of great importance.
Beneath the statement lies a clear message that France no longer trusts the security offered by the US.
Its advice for Europe is crystal clear. It wants to see a European army formed, against the interest of the NATO leader.
The root of the crisis lies in the disinterest of the US to use its money for the betterment of the NATO and to engage more with its NATO allies.
The change of attitude was evident when the US reduced its spending on the NATO budget imposing pressure on its allies to spend more on the said budget and when it decided to pull out its force from Syria, paving way for the aggression of Turkey, without discussing the decision with its NATO partners.
Though Germany’s decision on this matter is not different, it is not that adamant as that of its neighbour.
Undisputedly, a European army is a German dream too.
From an aggressive China and an unpredictable Russia to a protective US, Germany and France are no short of reason for the consideration of their dream plan.
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