Unesco Proposes Including Venice on Endangered List

Unesco recommends placing Venice on the list of endangered World Heritage sites due to the risks posed by excessive tourism, overdevelopment, and rising sea levels from climate change. The agency aims to prompt better preservation efforts for the iconic Italian city’s future.
The proposal will be carefully reviewed by the Venice municipality and discussed with the Italian government. The city’s former mayor criticizes Unesco, calling it an expensive and ineffective body. Previously proposed for inclusion two years ago, Venice avoided the list temporarily due to emergency measures, but the promised conservation plan was never implemented.
Unesco’s report highlights the lack of a strategic vision to address climate change threats, and the impact of tourism on the city’s infrastructure. The agency believes that high-rise buildings should be constructed far from the city center to avoid negative visual impacts. Venice’s vulnerability to rising sea levels is exacerbated by its popularity as a tourist destination, with around 28 million visitors annually.
Currently, 55 World Heritage sites are listed as “in danger,” with an additional 204 being closely monitored by Unesco due to various threats.
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