
The coronavirus outbreak has damagingly interrupted the humanitarian supply chain which work to ensure migrants living in camps across Europe do not starve.

Many charities have had to cease operations, as the virus outbreak has made them incapable to function in a proper way.

This exist of the charities from the scenario has reduced support for large numbers of vulnerable people, though governments have stepped into make up the reduction.

As per a statistics, there are thousands of refugees and asylum seekers living in poverty in the United Kingdom alone.

Though the United Kingdom says it provides support for those who need it, not all charity organisations find that assurance relaxing.

In Calais located in France, close to the UK, many migrants are living in temporary camps hoping to cross to the UK.

The BBC has recently made a touching story to expose how miserable the life of migrants in the continent of Europe is.

Migrants, away from their homelands, deserve the support and care of every one – especially from the people of the country where they have reached in search of a peaceful future.

It is easy to forget them. It needs a courageous heart to look them through a humanitarian prism.

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Mexico is looking forward for a new Government, leading by Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The Government is planning to give special Visa permit to the migrants. The National Immigration Institute (INM) said that 969 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua crossed into Ciudad Hidalgo. They were allowed after giving identification bracelets by Mexican officials.

The special Visa gives permission to the migrants from Guatemala for residing in Mexico for one year. Corresponding changes will be done in the existing Visa rules. The identification bracelets given by Mexican officials will be used to identify the migrants, for the Visa. The officials said that these migrants will be allowed all benefits from the Government.

Sunaya Paison
Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright