Former Bosnian Serb commander, convicted for genocide, criticises UN court

Ratko Mladic, who is a former Bosnian Serb commander, has strongly criticised the UN court, while addressing judges in The Hague as part of an appeal against his conviction for genocide and crimes against humanity.
He has called the court a child of Western powers,
Earlier, he was found guilty for his part in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre.
The massacre is one of the most brutal one the humanity has seen so far. As many as 8,000 Muslims were killed during the massacre.
The former commander denied any involvement in the case saying that he was far away from the town when the massacre happened.
His lawyer has taken the same stand in the UN court also.
The UN court, in which the hearing is at present taking place, is the one which is supposed to consider appeals and remaining cases from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The original ICTY hearing ended in 2017 itself.
The UN court hearing was supposed to begin before the commencement of the Covid-19 issue. Mladic’s health problems and coronavirus restrictions delayed proceedings earlier.
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