Brexit: May asks for an extension to 30th June

The talks regarding Brexit deal, with the Government was of no use, says the Britain’s opposition Labour Party. The leaders of the European Union said that PM Theresa May could not convince them, that they should let Britain delay its departure next week.
May had requested to EU for a further delay to Brexit until 30 June. She had submitted a document to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council regarding this. May had agreed that the country was preparing to take part in elections for the European Parliament in May. On 12th of April, The UK is currently due to leave the EU. No withdrawal deal has been approved by MPs.
The Tory negotiating team had not yet approved any changes to May’s original deal, said Sir Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary.
“The government will want to agree a timetable for ratification that allows the United Kingdom to withdraw from the EU before 23 May 2019 and therefore cancel the European parliament elections, but will continue to make responsible preparations to hold the elections should this not prove possible”, said May.
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