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France’s former first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, has been charged in connection with a 2007 election funding scandal involving cash from then Libyan dictator, Col Muammar Gaddafi. French media reports that Bruni-Sarkozy, 56, faces charges of hiding evidence and associating with wrongdoers to commit fraud. She has been placed under judicial control and is prohibited from contacting other accused individuals except her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy. Additionally, she is suspected of concealing witness tampering and attempting to bribe Lebanese judicial personnel, among other violations.

Bruni-Sarkozy’s lawyers told AFP that she is determined to challenge what they describe as an “unfounded decision.”

Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president from 2007 to 2012, is scheduled to go on trial next year over allegations that he received money from Gaddafi to fund his successful election campaign. He faces charges of corruption, illegal campaign financing, benefiting from embezzled public funds, and membership in a criminal conspiracy, all of which he denies.

The investigation began in 2013, two years after Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, accused Sarkozy of accepting millions of euros from his father for campaign funding. In 2014, Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine supported these claims, stating he had proof of Tripoli’s financial support for Sarkozy’s campaign, amounting to €50 million (£43 million). Takieddine claimed that he personally delivered suitcases filled with cash to Sarkozy and his chief of staff, Claude Guéant. Although Takieddine retracted this statement in 2020, raising suspicions of bribery, Guéant denied the allegations.

In June, Bruni-Sarkozy was found to have deleted messages exchanged with a French businesswoman questioned by police over witness tampering accusations. Since his defeat in the 2012 presidential election, Sarkozy has faced multiple criminal investigations. In 2023, he received a suspended prison sentence for attempting to bribe a judge, and earlier this year, he was found guilty of illegally funding his 2012 re-election campaign.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, an Italian-born former supermodel and singer, married Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008, and they have a daughter, Giulia, born in 2011.

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The United States has accused Russia of violating international laws by allegedly deploying chemical weapons as a method of warfare in Ukraine. Specifically, they claim that Russia used the chemical agent chloropicrin to gain battlefield advantages over Ukrainian forces. These accusations, according to US officials, are not isolated incidents and would breach the Chemical Weapons Convention, to which Russia is a signatory.

However, the Kremlin has rejected these accusations as baseless, asserting that Russia adheres to its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons defines a chemical weapon as a substance used to cause intentional harm through its toxic properties, and chloropicrin falls under this category. The use of chloropicrin in warfare is explicitly prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Additionally, there are claims that Russia has also used riot control agents, such as tear gas, during the conflict in Ukraine. President Joe Biden has previously warned Russia against the use of chemical weapons, stating that there would be severe consequences if such actions were taken.

Despite warnings, there have been reports of chemical attacks, with Ukrainian troops reportedly facing increasing instances of exposure to toxic gases. The US has sanctioned individuals and entities linked to Russia’s biological and chemical weapons program in response to these allegations.

There have also been concerns about Russia’s compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention, with accusations of incomplete declarations of its stockpile. Previous incidents, such as the Salisbury attack and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, have raised doubts about Russia’s adherence to international agreements.

Amidst these allegations, Russian forces continue their advance in eastern Ukraine, with ongoing fighting around strategic locations. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has taken action against allegations of corruption within the Ukrainian Security Service, while Human Rights Watch has called for a war crimes investigation into alleged executions of surrendering Ukrainian troops by Russian forces.

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has put his public duties on hold to contemplate whether he should continue leading the government. This decision comes after a court initiated a preliminary inquiry into allegations against his wife, Begoña Gómez. The allegations, raised by the anti-corruption group Manos Limpias, suggest influence peddling and corruption. However, these claims are based on online news articles, prompting doubts about their validity.

Sánchez expressed his intention to make a decision regarding his political future next Monday. He denounced what he perceives as a concerted effort to undermine him politically and personally, particularly targeting his wife. The specific accusations against Begoña Gómez relate to her connections with private companies that received government funds or contracts, including a sponsorship deal involving Globalia and a foundation she was involved with.

The situation is politically charged, with Sánchez’s coalition government relying on support from Catalan separatist parties. This support was secured in exchange for concessions such as an amnesty covering the banned Catalan referendum in 2017. The opposition, particularly the conservative Popular Party, has demanded explanations, but Sánchez maintains his belief in justice despite the mounting pressure.

The situation reflects a complex political landscape in Spain, with implications for both national and regional politics, including the upcoming European Parliament elections and Catalonia’s regional elections.

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Recent events have once again brought attention to the issue of corruption within Russia’s government, particularly within its military. Timur Ivanov, a deputy defence minister, is facing serious accusations of accepting large-scale bribes. His denial of these charges comes at a time when Russia is grappling with systemic corruption, especially within its military projects.

The allegations against Ivanov have drawn scrutiny from activists who have long criticized corruption in Russia’s corridors of power. His close relationship with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu adds complexity to the situation, highlighting the interconnectedness of Russia’s political and military spheres.

Rumors of treason surrounding Ivanov’s arrest add further intrigue to the case. Despite Kremlin’s dismissal of such claims, speculation persists, leaving the public seeking clarity amidst official statements and media reports.

Accusations from the Anti-Corruption Foundation linking Ivanov to malpractices in Ukraine’s occupied territories shed light on the human cost of corruption in conflict zones.

As Ivanov faces legal proceedings, the potential consequences, both legally and politically, are significant. The case underscores the widespread nature of corruption within Russia’s government and its impact on global politics, as evidenced by international sanctions against Ivanov.

Beyond Ivanov’s individual fate, the case raises questions about Russia’s ability to combat corruption within its military leadership and institutions. The fallout from this high-profile case may test the resilience of Russia’s governance structures in addressing endemic corruption.

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European leaders are gathering in Brussels with the aim of resolving a deadlock over financial aid for Ukraine, a €50 billion package that was vetoed by Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban in December. Orban’s decision is believed to be connected to the EU withholding €20 billion from Hungary due to concerns about human rights and corruption in the country.

This impasse is preventing crucial funding from reaching Ukraine, particularly as the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion looms. Orban, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has consistently opposed EU sanctions on Russian oil and gas, contributing to the growing frustration among EU leaders with Hungary’s stance.

As the EU leaders attempt to address the Ukrainian aid issue, there are rumors of potential punitive actions against Hungary. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has asserted that the EU will find a solution to support Ukraine, even if it means proceeding without Hungary’s approval. Reports from the Financial Times suggest that Brussels officials could take measures affecting Hungary’s economy if Orban continues to block the aid package. In response, Orban accused the EU of blackmail, emphasizing the need for a resolution.

The summit is unfolding against the backdrop of widespread farmers’ protests across Europe that have persisted for weeks. Farmers are demonstrating against EU measures aimed at making the agricultural sector more sustainable and the bloc’s decision to lift quotas on Ukrainian grain exports. The protests have alarmed many European leaders, prompting them to seek solutions from the EU to address farmers’ concerns.

The European Commission has made some concessions, proposing an exemption to an unpopular fallow-land requirement and introducing a “safeguard mechanism” to reimpose emergency tariffs on Ukrainian imports if necessary. However, the EU’s farmers’ association, Copa-Cogeca, has expressed dissatisfaction, stating that the proposed safeguard mechanism does not provide sufficient relief for producers.

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A lawyer representing Russian opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was imprisoned on treason charges for criticizing the war in Ukraine, has disclosed that he has been relocated to another prison in Siberia’s Omsk region. Concerns for his safety heightened when Kara-Murza disappeared from his initial jail, prompting UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron to seek clarity on his whereabouts. Russian prison transfers are typically secretive and can take weeks.

Previously held in a penal colony in Omsk, Kara-Murza’s lawyers revealed that he was moved to a different penal colony in the same region. The British national, sentenced to 25 years in April for spreading “false” information about the Russian army and alleged affiliation with an “undesirable organization,” had been an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin and had played a significant role in advocating for sanctions against Russian officials for human rights abuses and corruption.

Kara-Murza’s wife expressed deep concern over his transfer, emphasizing that there were no apparent grounds for it. She highlighted the gravity of the situation, as her husband had previously survived two alleged assassination attempts in 2015 and 2017 through poisoning. The British government, along with the US State Department, condemned Kara-Murza’s sentencing and described him as a target of Russia’s escalating repression campaign.

The UK government summoned Russia’s ambassador and pledged to explore measures against those responsible for his detention and mistreatment. Kara-Murza, who holds British citizenship, received support from various quarters, including UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who demanded information about his whereabouts.

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The Speaker of Poland’s upper house of parliament, Tomasz Grodzki, has urged the government to disclose its knowledge regarding an escalating scandal involving cash for visas. Grodzki expressed concern that the issue was damaging Poland’s international image as a responsible democracy.

Reports suggest that migrants paid substantial sums, up to $5,000 (£4,000) each, to expedite their work visa applications. While seven individuals have been charged in connection with the scandal, none of them are public officials.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland, Piotr Wawrzyk, was dismissed last week in the wake of these allegations. His removal coincided with a search of the foreign ministry conducted by Poland’s Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA). The director of the ministry’s legal service was also terminated.

In response to the scandal, the foreign ministry announced the termination of all contracts with outsourcing companies responsible for handling visa applications since 2011. Opposition MPs allege that as many as 250,000 visas for individuals from Asia and Africa were irregularly issued through these outsourcing companies, a claim disputed by the government, which maintains that only several hundred were involved.

Donald Tusk, the leader of the opposition Civic Platform party, criticized the government’s migration policy, stating that anyone seeking to travel from Africa to Poland could easily obtain a visa at the embassy. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki dismissed these allegations, asserting that there is no widespread issue.

Speaker Grodzki characterized the scandal as the most significant Poland has faced in the 21st century, with corruption reaching the highest levels of government, posing a direct threat to the country. Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro downplayed the scale of the problem in an interview with state-run news channel TVP Info.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) became aware of the matter in July 2022 and has been conducting investigations since then. This scandal has the potential to cast a shadow over the Law and Justice party’s (PiS) anti-immigration stance ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for the next month. While PiS currently leads in polls, it remains uncertain whether they can secure the outright majority required to continue governing for a third term.

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Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been unsuccessful in his appeal against a prison sentence for corruption. However, the Paris appeals court has ruled that he can serve his sentence at home with an electronic monitoring device instead of going to jail.

In 2021, Sarkozy was sentenced to three years in prison, with two years suspended, for attempting to influence a judge in a separate case. This made him the first former French president to receive a custodial sentence.

Sarkozy’s lawyer has announced plans to challenge the ruling further with the Court of Cassation, one of France’s highest jurisdictions, stating that Sarkozy is innocent. In addition to the prison sentence, Sarkozy has been banned from holding public office for three years. There are multiple corruption cases involving Sarkozy, but he denies any wrongdoing.

Recently, prosecutors requested that he face trial over allegations of illegal contributions to his 2007 presidential campaign by the Libyan government, but the final decision lies with investigating magistrates.

Sarkozy served one term as president from 2007 to 2014 and was known for his tough stance on immigration and efforts to reform France’s economy. Critics criticized his leadership style as excessive and focused on celebrity culture, contrasting with the traditional and grand nature of the role.

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Ihor Kolomoisky, one of the richest individuals in the nation, is among the high-profile targets of a new wave of anti-corruption operations by the Ukrainian government. As part of the sweep, the residence of the former interior minister Arsen Avakov was also searched.

Officials in Ukraine announced that the heads of the customs agency had been sacked as part of an anti-corruption campaign. Ukraine would change during the war, according to the leader of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s party in parliament.

Ukraine is under increased pressure to fight corruption from its Western allies, particularly the EU. In 2019, Mr. Zelensky declared the battle against corruption to be one of his top goals.

This week, Kyiv will host a conference with top EU officials. Ukraine views this meeting as crucial to its efforts to join the 27-member union. Four months after Russia’s invasion, Kyiv was given EU candidate status; nonetheless, it was pushed to do more to combat corruption.

As part of the purge last week, ten prominent Ukrainian leaders, including Kyrylo Tymoshenko, the deputy head of office for Mr. Zelensky, resigned.

Regional governors and a number of deputy ministers were also forced out. Mr Zelensky said at the time that any internal problems that hindered the state would be cleaned up to help Ukraine’s “rapprochement with European institutions”.

In 2014, the businessman assumed control of the larger Dnipropetrovsk area and was instrumental in providing funds for volunteer battalions in response to Russia’s initial annexation of eastern Ukraine.

However, the US imposed sanctions on him because to allegations of “serious corruption” committed while he was governor. He has said he did nothing wrong.

Mr. Kolomoisky is a successful businessman who works in the banking, energy, and media industries in Ukraine. Before endorsing the former actor’s presidential campaign, his TV network gave Mr. Zelensky his big break with the comedy series Servant of the People.

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