Coronavirus outbreak under control in Germany

The European country of Germany – which is one of the most advanced countries in the continent especially in terms of its health care capability – has marked a huge achievement in its fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
It has successfully brought the virus outbreak – which reached the continent from the continent of Asia particularly from the Asian country of China where it originated – under control.
Since 12th April, in the country, the number of recovered patients is far higher than the number of new infections.
It seems that the European country has made a huge achievement in the task of bringing the virus outbreak under control.
It seems that the country has made an edge over all other European countries in this matter.
The commitment shown by the German healthcare workers is worth appreciable. The achievement the country have made is the natural outcome of the dedication shown by this country’s healthcare workers.
As per a latest report, the infection rate has dropped to around 0.7 – that means the rate has fallen below the rates of its counterparts in the continent.
In Germany, so far, more than 3,868 have died due to the Covid-19 outbreak – though lower than Italy and Spain, it is still a big number. The virus has by now infected around 1,34,000 people in the country.
It seems that Germany has long distance to go before sit and relax.
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