Young climate activist to trademark her name

Young climate activist Greta Thunberg has announced her plan to trademark her name and the movement she has launched to mobilise the people of the world against the issue of climate change – Fridays For Future.
The decision has been justified on the ground that her global movement has been misused by some to amass funds.
The big decision taken by the youngster has been announced through her social media handle – where she is extremely active nowadays.
Many in the platform have supported her brilliant decision.
Ms. Greta is a global figure at this moment. The Fridays For Future movement she has launched has already surmounted the limitation of border, becoming a powerful global movement to sensitise the people of the world about the problems of the issue of climate change.
The climate activist is very active in the social media. She recently engaged in a heated exchange of words with US President Donald Trump – who is known for his narrow minded attitude towards the issue of climate change.
The activist now has many supporters across the world. Over the last few years, many have come out openly in the streets to voice their support to the cause raised by the activist.
The climate movement is active not only in the west but also in the developing world – even in the under-developed world.
The youngster represents a generation who is worried about the irresponsible attitude of the establishment towards the issue of climate change.
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