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Georgia’s MPs have overturned a presidential veto on the controversial “transparency on foreign influence” bill, commonly referred to as the “foreign agents law,” after several weeks of protests in Tbilisi. The law mandates that media and NGOs receiving over 20% of their funding from abroad must register as “organisations acting in the interest of a foreign power,” undergo stringent audits, or face heavy fines. The vote in a plenary session on Tuesday saw 84 MPs, primarily from the governing Georgian Dream party, in favor, with four votes against and the opposition abstaining.

Thousands of Georgians protested outside parliament, waving Georgian and EU flags. The law, initially passed on May 14 and then vetoed by pro-Western President Salome Zourabishvili, is set to take effect in 60 days. The Georgian government argues that the law will enhance transparency and protect against foreign interference. However, opponents, calling it the “Russian law” due to its similarity to existing Russian legislation, believe it aims to suppress dissent ahead of October’s parliamentary elections.

The EU expressed deep regret over the parliament’s decision, warning that the bill could hinder Georgia’s progress within the bloc. Georgia achieved candidate country status in December 2023. Many NGOs have declared they will not comply with the legislation, describing it as “insulting” and “factually incorrect.”

As MPs debated the bill, protesters gathered outside parliament under heavy police presence. Following the vote, demonstrators shouted “slaves!” and “Russians!” Police have frequently used force against protesters, with reports of beatings and intimidation. Despite this, many demonstrators, predominantly young, continue to protest, viewing their future as dependent on aligning with Europe.

Observers believe the passing of the foreign agents law has become crucial for the survival of Georgian Dream, alienating many traditional partners. The US joined the EU in warning of repercussions, with the US State Department announcing travel restrictions on those undermining democracy in Georgia and their families. However, authorities dismissed these warnings, with Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze asserting that there would be no compromise against national interests.

With limited options left to halt the bill, President Zourabishvili presented a new charter on Monday to move Georgia towards Europe, calling for a new political reality, different elections, and significant reforms to depoliticize the justice system and security services. She invited all opposition parties to sign the charter by June 1 and unite for the parliamentary elections in October.

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Riot police in Georgia deployed tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrators protesting against a proposed bill, which the opposition views as an attack on media freedoms. The clashes erupted outside the parliament building in Tbilisi, where protesters hurled eggs and bottles at the police. Despite the retreat of the crowds, confrontations persisted late into Tuesday evening along Rustaveli Avenue, resulting in several injuries and arrests.

The bill, known as the “foreign agent” legislation, received preliminary approval from lawmakers on April 17th. Introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream party, it mandates that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and independent media outlets, receiving over 20% of their funding from foreign sources, register as entities “advancing the interests of a foreign power.” These organizations would be subject to oversight by Georgia’s justice ministry and could face penalties, including significant fines.

The passage of the bill’s initial reading sparked a wave of street demonstrations. Reports indicate that several protesters sustained injuries during Tuesday’s clashes in Tbilisi, including Levan Khabeishvili, chairman of the main opposition party, United National Movement, who was reportedly hospitalized after a severe beating.

Eyewitnesses also observed instances of police officers physically assaulting protesters, according to Reuters news agency. A number of demonstrators were reportedly taken into custody. However, Georgian authorities have not publicly addressed these allegations of injuries or police misconduct.

Critics of the bill argue for its repeal, contending that it mirrors authoritarian legislation used by Russia to suppress dissent. They fear it could stifle critical voices ahead of this year’s parliamentary elections and impede Georgia’s progress toward EU membership. European leaders and the United States have warned that adopting the foreign agents law would undermine Georgia’s European aspirations.

Despite international concerns, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze’s government remains steadfast in its support of the bill. Kobakhidze has accused NGOs of attempting to foment revolutions in Georgia and of promoting “gay propaganda.” He maintains that the legislation aims to enhance transparency and denies allegations that it contradicts European values or serves Russian interests.

In response to the protests, Georgian Dream organized its own rally, where party founder Bidzina Ivanishvili criticized Western interference. The situation underscores the deepening divide within Georgia over the bill and its implications for democracy and international relations.

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