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Italy, the European Union’s top destination for migrants, is beginning a new chapter in its migration policy by opening its first camp in Albania, part of a plan to “offshore” the migrant challenge. This initiative allows Italy to house up to 3,000 migrants per month who are rescued while attempting to reach its shores. The Shengjin camp, now operational, is set to manage migrants picked up in international waters, though it excludes women, children, and vulnerable individuals.

The Italian government has fully funded the construction of these facilities, which will operate under Italian and European legislation, according to Fabrizio Bucci, Italy’s ambassador in Albania. Once in the camp, migrants can apply for asylum in Italy; those whose requests are denied will be sent back to countries considered safe.

The agreement between the Italian and Albanian governments is set for five years, with the possibility of extension if successful in alleviating Italy’s migration burden. This year, Italy has seen about 31,000 sea arrivals, down over 50% from 2023, signaling a shift in migration trends. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who campaigned on strict migration policies, has made the Albania initiative a cornerstone of her administration.

However, the plan has faced scrutiny over its estimated cost of over €650 million (£547), with critics like MP Riccardo Magi calling it excessive for detaining a limited number of migrants. Concerns have also been raised about the ability to adequately screen rescued individuals for vulnerabilities.

Despite criticism, the initiative has garnered support from 15 EU member states, who see it as a potential model for addressing migration. As Albania seeks EU membership, the agreement could bolster its international standing, though some remain skeptical about the motivations behind it. If successful, this model may pave the way for similar arrangements with other countries in the future.

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has condemned an alleged far-right meeting where plans to deport millions of people, including German citizens, were discussed. The secret gathering, reported by Correctiv, included senior figures from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and neo-Nazis from Germany and Austria.

The focus was on “remigration,” the removal of individuals with non-German ethnic backgrounds. Despite the AfD officially rejecting remigration, participants reportedly expressed doubts about its feasibility, with some supporting the idea for years. Chancellor Scholz emphasized that discrimination based on ethnic origins would not be tolerated in Germany, and participants may face investigation by the intelligence agency.

Correctiv investigative outlet revealed that around 20 individuals, including senior AfD members and neo-Nazis, attended a secret meeting near Berlin to discuss the deportation of people with non-German ethnic backgrounds, even if they are citizens of Germany. The meeting reportedly took place near Potsdam last November, with Correctiv noting the participation of two members of the center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) party. Although the AfD officially rejects remigration, internal contradictions were exposed by Gerrit Huy, an AfD member of the German Parliament, who affirmed the party’s commitment to remigration. The AfD confirmed the attendance of Roland Hartwig at the meeting but denied any shift in its migration policy.

Chancellor Scholz, responding to the report, stated that Germany would not allow differentiation based on immigrant backgrounds and that participants in the alleged meeting could face investigation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the domestic intelligence agency. He underscored the importance of learning from history and emphasized that discrimination based on ethnic origins would not be tolerated in the country. The far-right AfD is currently the second-largest party in Germany, trailing behind the CDU, and has faced scrutiny over its stance on immigration and alleged ties to extremist groups.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright