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French President Emmanuel Macron has raised serious concerns about the growing threat of antisemitism in schools after a 12-year-old Jewish girl was raped in what police have classified as a hate crime. According to French media, the girl reported being in a park in Courbevoie, north-west of Paris, with a friend last Saturday when three boys, two aged 13 and one aged 12, approached her. She knew at least one of them. The boys dragged her to an isolated location, where they hurled antisemitic abuse at her and raped her.

The boys were arrested on Monday, and two of them were charged with gang rape, antisemitic insults and violence, and issuing death threats. One of the attackers reportedly threatened to kill the girl if she went to the police. In response to the attack, people took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against antisemitism, carrying banners with messages such as “It could have been your sister.”

Macron addressed the attack during a Council of Ministers meeting on Wednesday. He asked the Minister of Education, Nicole Belloubet, to ensure that schools hold discussions on racism and antisemitism in the coming days to prevent “hateful speech with serious consequences” from “infiltrating” classrooms. Belloubet later condemned the crime on social media, stating that “every part of this crime is revolting.” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal called the attack “absolutely despicable, unbearable, and unspeakable,” noting that antisemitism has been on the rise in France since October 7.

Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia expressed horror at the incident and called for the perpetrators to be firmly punished. He emphasized that no one can be excused from the current surge in antisemitism. A January 2024 report by the Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) highlighted a 284% increase in antisemitic acts between 2022 and 2023, with nearly 13% occurring in schools. The report noted a significant spike in such incidents following the October 7 Hamas attacks against communities in Israel.

The attack and the rise in antisemitism come amid a heated election campaign in France, after President Macron called a snap parliamentary election two weeks ago. Politicians from various parties quickly condemned the incident and vowed to combat antisemitism.

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In an unprecedented turn of events in Paris this weekend, a significant demonstration took place in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict, drawing representatives from major political parties. Notably, the far right, including Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella of the National Rally, participated, while the far left, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon of France Unbowed, boycotted the event, citing it as a gathering for supporters of the Gaza massacre.

This shift is symbolic, considering historical political dynamics in France. Traditionally, the far right was ostracized due to its perceived anti-Republican views, especially on Jewish issues. The far left, on the other hand, despite criticism, remained part of the broader political spectrum. However, the current scenario reflects a shake-up in the political landscape.

The contemporary far right in France, now labeled as “hard right” or “national right,” has shifted focus from past anti-Semitic stances to prioritize issues such as immigration, insecurity, and Islamism, aligning with some Jewish perspectives. Meanwhile, the far left interprets the Gaza conflict through an anti-colonial lens, emphasizing solidarity with the oppressed against perceived superpower aggression.

This unusual alignment sees a party with a history of Holocaust denial, like the National Rally, supporting French Jews openly. Conversely, a party built on human rights and equality, like France Unbowed, faces accusations of antisemitism for not condemning Hamas as a terrorist organization.

While nuances exist, the overall trend shows the National Rally under Marine Le Pen successfully integrating into the mainstream, while France Unbowed under Jean-Luc Mélenchon appears to be distancing itself. Opinion polls reinforce this, with Marine Le Pen leading in presidential election polls, while Mélenchon’s support has declined.

Serge Klarsfeld, a prominent figure in the fight against antisemitism in France, acknowledges the irony. He appreciates the far right’s departure from antisemitism, seeing it align with Republican values, yet expresses sadness over the far left’s perceived abandonment of efforts to combat antisemitism.

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Violent protests erupted in Paris overnight following the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old who failed to comply with a traffic stop order by police. Video footage circulating on social media shows a police officer aiming a gun at the driver of a car, followed by a gunshot and the car subsequently crashing. The teenager, identified as Naël M, succumbed to chest wounds despite receiving assistance from emergency services. The officer responsible for the shooting has been apprehended on charges of homicide.

Initially, the police claimed that the teen had driven his car toward them with the intent to harm. However, verified footage contradicts this account, revealing two officers attempting to stop the vehicle. One officer points his weapon at the driver through the window and seemingly fires at close range as the driver tries to flee. In the video, an unidentified person can be heard saying, “you’re going to be shot in the head,” but the speaker’s identity remains unclear.

Two other individuals were in the car at the time of the incident. One of them fled, while the other, also a minor, was detained by the police. The shooting triggered protests in the Nanterre area, located west of Paris, with incidents of arson, destruction of bus shelters, and the use of fireworks near the police station. Riot police employed tear gas to disperse the protesters, leading to the arrest of twenty individuals.

Following the teenager’s death, two separate investigations have been initiated—one into the potential misconduct of a public official resulting in a fatality, and another into the driver’s failure to stop the vehicle and alleged attempt to harm a police officer.

Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez expressed concerns about the officer’s actions, although he suggested the officer may have felt threatened. The family’s lawyer contested this justification, stating that the video unequivocally depicted a police officer deliberately killing the young man. The family filed a complaint against the police for providing false information initially, claiming that the car had attempted to run over the officers.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin described the video shared on social media as “extremely shocking” and called on people to respect the family’s grief and the presumption of innocence for the police. Left-wing leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon extended his condolences to the teen’s family, emphasizing that no officer has the right to kill unless in self-defense. He called for a comprehensive reform of the uncontrolled police force, which he believes undermines the authority of the state.

This incident follows another fatal police shooting two weeks earlier in Angouleme, where a 19-year-old driver was killed after allegedly hitting an officer during a traffic stop. Last year, a record number of 13 individuals died in police shootings during traffic stops in France, according to Reuters. Naël M’s death marks the second such incident this year.

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