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Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison by a court in Kazan, central Russia, for allegedly spreading false information about the Russian military. Kurmasheva, an editor at US-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), was initially arrested last October for not registering as a foreign agent. Her sentencing coincided with the imprisonment of another US journalist, Evan Gershkovich, who was given a 16-year sentence for espionage.

Kurmasheva, who denies the charges, has been described by RFE/RL president Stephen Capus as being unjustly convicted, calling the trial a “mockery of justice.” Capus has called for her immediate release, emphasizing the need for her to return to her family. Her husband, Pavel Butorin, expressed his and their daughters’ belief in her innocence, urging for her return home.

Kurmasheva, a dual citizen of the US and Russia, works for RFE/RL’s Tatar-Bashkir service, focusing on issues affecting ethnic minorities in central Russia. She had traveled to Kazan for a family emergency in May 2023 and was detained there. Her Russian and American passports were seized, and she faced legal troubles for not declaring her US passport. She was fined and subsequently arrested on the foreign agent charge, followed by a more serious accusation of spreading false information in December.

This case is seen as part of a broader crackdown on independent journalism in Russia, particularly since the invasion of Ukraine, with the “false information” charge frequently used to suppress dissent. The law criminalizing false information was enacted shortly after Russia’s invasion began, purportedly in response to what the Kremlin described as an “information war” against Russia.

Kurmasheva’s conviction adds to concerns that Russia may be using American citizens as leverage in negotiations, potentially involving exchanges for Russian prisoners held abroad. While speculation about such swaps continues, especially following Gershkovich’s sentencing, Kurmasheva’s situation remains uncertain.

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Oleg Orlov, a prominent Russian human rights activist and chairman of the now-banned Memorial human rights group, recently compared Russia’s judicial system to that of Nazi Germany during his appeal against a prison sentence. Orlov, aged 71, was appealing a two-and-a-half-year prison term he received five months ago on charges of discrediting the armed forces by criticizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine and labeling the country a fascist state.

During his appeal, Orlov, speaking via video link from custody in Syzran, made a poignant statement asserting that he regretted nothing and would not repent for his actions. He quoted Telford Taylor, a US prosecutor involved in the Nuremberg trials after World War II, who described the Nazis as having utterly destroyed justice and law, turning the judicial system into a tool of dictatorship. Orlov remarked that Taylor’s words could now be applied to the current state of Russia’s judicial system, particularly for political prisoners.

The appeal hearing, held at the Moscow city court, drew international attention with ambassadors from the US, UK, and several other Western nations present. Orlov’s original conviction and subsequent sentencing earlier this year followed a retrial, where an earlier fine was replaced with imprisonment after prosecutors argued the original sentence was too lenient.

Oleg Orlov has been a pivotal figure in Memorial, a group dedicated to commemorating victims of Soviet oppression while advocating against contemporary human rights abuses in Russia. Despite Memorial being banned in Russia in 2021, it received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022 alongside Belarusian activist Ales Bialiatski and the Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties for its contributions to civil society, peace, and democracy.

Orlov’s case is widely viewed as part of a broader crackdown on dissent in Russia, reflecting growing concerns about the state of civil liberties and the rule of law in the country.

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A court in Moscow has issued an arrest warrant for Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, on charges related to her alleged involvement in an extremist organization, as reported by state media. Navalnaya, who resides outside of Russia, faces these charges in absentia. Alexei Navalny, widely regarded as Russia’s most prominent opposition figure in recent years, passed away earlier this year while in custody at a Russian prison. Russian authorities officially stated that his death was due to natural causes, but Navalnaya has publicly accused the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, of torturing and ultimately causing her husband’s death.

The Moscow court’s decision to issue the arrest warrant declared Navalnaya wanted, meaning she would be subject to arrest should she return to Russia. These charges appear to be linked to a June 2021 ruling by another Moscow court that outlawed three organizations associated with Navalny, branding them as extremist entities.

Despite being unable to attend her husband’s funeral in March, Yulia Navalnaya has continued to advocate for justice and human rights. She has met with several Western leaders, including US President Joe Biden. Recently, she was elected to chair the Human Rights Foundation, a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and safeguarding human rights worldwide. In her new role, Navalnaya has pledged to intensify the struggle her late husband fought against Vladimir Putin’s government.

This development underscores the ongoing tension between the Russian government and dissenting voices, both within the country and abroad, amid international scrutiny and condemnation of Russia’s human rights record and treatment of political opposition.

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Pope Francis recently met with over 100 comedians from around the world, including notable figures like Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, and Whoopi Goldberg, at the Vatican in Rome. The Pope highlighted the unique ability of comedians to “spread serenity and smiles” in a world filled with “many social and personal emergencies.” He emphasized that laughter is contagious and unites people.

During the event, held just hours before the Pope’s expected arrival in Puglia for the G7 summit, he praised the comedians’ talent for making people laugh. He noted that it’s possible to joke about God without offending religious sentiments, stating, “You can also laugh at God, of course, and that’s not blasphemy.”

According to US media reports, Jimmy Fallon entertained the crowd before the event began but was quickly asked to sit as the Pope was about to enter. Other notable attendees included Chris Rock, Silvio Orlando from Italy, British comedian Stephen Merchant, Whoopi Goldberg, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

This cultural gathering marked a prelude to the Pope’s participation in the G7 summit, a first for the leader of the Catholic Church. At the summit, the 87-year-old pontiff plans to call for global regulation of AI, citing its potential threats to ethics and human rights.

In his address to the comedians, Pope Francis acknowledged the current global climate of conflict-laden communication and commended the comedians for their ability to bridge diverse realities. “How much we need to learn from you,” he remarked. After the audience, the Pope briefly interacted with each comedian, though some conversations were hampered by language barriers. Conan O’Brien humorously noted that his interaction was brief and in Italian, leaving him unsure of what was said but still enjoying the experience.

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An expert commission appointed by the government in Germany has recommended legalizing abortion within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Currently, while abortions are technically illegal, exceptions exist for cases such as medical consultation beforehand, rape, or danger to the woman’s life. However, the ambiguous legal situation leads to challenges for both women seeking abortions and healthcare providers, contributing to stigma and uneven access to services, especially in rural areas.

The commission’s report, released a year ago, argues that maintaining the status quo is untenable in light of constitutional, human rights, and European law considerations. However, the government is not bound to follow the commission’s recommendations, and conservative opposition parties are threatening legal action if the law is changed. They accuse the commission of bias and claim the government is initiating a culture war over abortion rights.

While Germany has generally avoided the intense politicization of abortion seen in other countries, such as Poland or the US, upcoming national elections next year could intensify the debate. Politicians may use the issue to rally support amidst declining popularity, potentially prolonging the discussion and fueling further polarization.

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After years of negotiations, the European Parliament has approved a significant reform aimed at tightening the EU’s migration and asylum regulations. The EU Asylum and Migration Pact, which has been in development since 2015, is set to become effective in two years’ time. Its objectives include expediting the asylum process, enhancing the repatriation of irregular migrants to their home countries, and establishing a system of shared responsibility among EU member states for asylum seekers.

Last year, there was a notable increase in illegal border crossings within the EU, prompting the need for such reforms. The pact, though met with some opposition from certain member states, is expected to gain full approval by the end of April through majority voting.

Under the proposed rules, EU countries will be obligated to either accept a quota of migrants from frontline countries like Italy, Greece, and Spain, or provide additional financial aid or resources. Additionally, the pact emphasizes swift processing of asylum claims, particularly those deemed to have low chances of approval, and aims to reach decisions within a maximum of 12 weeks. Forcible returns of rejected asylum seekers to their home countries would also need to occur within the same timeframe.

The pact introduces stricter pre-entry screening procedures within seven days of arrival, including biometric data collection for migrants aged six and above. It also establishes mechanisms to address sudden influxes of migrants.

The pact received support from the two main political groups in the European Parliament, although it faced opposition from some left-wing and far-right factions, as well as NGOs. Critics argue that the agreement may lead to increased suffering for asylum seekers, particularly those with low chances of acceptance, who might undergo processing on border islands or in detention facilities with limited access to fair procedures.

Despite its imperfections, many MEPs saw the pact as a workable compromise, acknowledging its significance in addressing the challenges of migration within the EU. However, concerns remain regarding the potential consequences of expedited processes and increased detention.

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A group of elderly Swiss women have achieved a significant victory in the European Court of Human Rights, marking the first climate case success in the court’s history. These women, primarily in their 70s, emphasized their vulnerability to the impacts of heatwaves associated with climate change due to their age and gender.

The court criticized Switzerland for its insufficient efforts in meeting emission reduction goals, deeming them inadequate. This ruling holds significance as it’s the first time the court has addressed the issue of global warming.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist, joined in the celebration with other activists at the court in Strasbourg. One of the leaders of the Swiss women, Rosemarie Wydler-Walti, expressed disbelief at the victory, highlighting its magnitude.

The court’s decision carries legal weight and could potentially influence legislation in 46 European countries, including the UK. It found Switzerland in breach of its duties under the Convention concerning climate change, noting deficiencies in the country’s climate policies, such as failure to quantify reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The group of Swiss women, known as KlimaSeniorinnen or Senior Women for Climate Protection, argued that they faced health risks during heatwaves in Switzerland and were unable to leave their homes. Data showed that March of the same year marked the world’s warmest, continuing a trend of record-breaking temperatures.

However, the court dismissed similar cases brought by Portuguese youths and a former French mayor, who also claimed that European governments were not acting swiftly enough to address climate change, thus violating their rights.

Elisabeth Smart, a member of KlimaSeniorinnen at 76 years old, highlighted her lifelong observations of climate change in Switzerland, having grown up on a farm. Despite the nine-year commitment to the case, she emphasized the innate drive within some individuals to take action rather than remain passive.

While governments worldwide have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions significantly, experts and activists warn that progress remains slow, jeopardizing efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

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Nicaragua has asked the UN’s highest court to halt German weapons sales to Israel at the start of a landmark case.

Germany is accused of breaching the UN genocide convention by sending military hardware to Israel and ceasing funding of the UN’s aid agency.

Berlin rejects the claims and will present a defence to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Tuesday.

In 2023 some 30% of Israel’s military equipment purchases came from Germany, totalling €300m ($326m; £257m).

The allegations build on a separate case taken by South Africa in January, where judges in the Hague ordered Israel to take “every possible measure” to avoid genocidal acts. The court also ordered Hamas to release all hostages taken from Israel during its 7 October attacks immediately.Israel rejects accusations that it is engaging in genocidal acts in its campaign in Gaza, and has insisted it has the right to defend itself.

More than 33,000 have been killed in Israel’s offensive in Gaza, the Hamas-run health ministry there says, the majority of them civilians. Gaza is on the brink of famine, with Oxfam reporting that 300,000 people trapped in the north have lived since January on an average of 245 calories a day.

Nicaragua says Germany’s arms sales to Israel, which totalled $326.5m last year – a tenfold increase on 2022 – make it complicit in Israel’s alleged war crimes.

Components for air defence systems and communications equipment accounted for most of the sales, according to the DPA news agency.Germany was also one of 15 Western nations which suspended funding for the UN’s Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) over allegations that some of the agency’s staff were involved in the 7 October attacks on Israel.

According to papers filed with the ICJ, Nicaragua wants the UN’s top court to order Berlin to halt weapons sales and resume funding of the aid agency, one of the few international bodies still operating in Gaza.

It says in the absence of such measures, “Germany is facilitating the commission of genocide and is failing in its obligation to do everything possible to prevent the commission of genocide”.

Speaking as the trial opened, Alain Pellet, a lawyer for Nicaragua, said it was “urgent that Germany suspend continued sales.

“Germany was and is fully conscious of the risk that the arms it has furnished and continues to furnish to Israel,” he told judges.

Berlin has rejected the allegations, but has remained tight-lipped about its legal strategy ahead of the hearings.

“We note Nicaragua’s lawsuit and we deny the allegations as unjustified”, government spokesman Wolfgang Buechner said.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been a vocal supporter of Israel’s right to self-defence, but he has faced increasing domestic hostility to the continuation of arms sales to the country.

On Sunday, a group of civil servants wrote to the German leader calling on the government to “cease arm deliveries to the Israeli government with immediate effect”.

“Israel is committing crimes in Gaza that are in clear contradiction to international law and thus to the Constitution, which we are bound to as federal civil servants and public employees,” the statement said, citing January’s ICJ ruling.

In January’s case, the ICJ ruled that “at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the Convention”.

But critics of the case have been quick to highlight that Nicaragua itself has a spotted human rights record, with its government accused of cracking down on opposition. In March, the UK’s mission to the UN accused President Daniel Ortega’s government of a “relentless” crackdown on human rights and civil liberties.

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Lyudmila Navalnaya, the mother of Alexei Navalny, stated in a video that she was shown her son’s body by Russian authorities, but they are pressuring her to agree to a “secret” burial. She reported signing a death certificate at a morgue. Navalny’s press secretary mentioned a medical report indicating natural causes, while his widow believes he was killed by Russian authorities. Navalnaya expressed frustration at officials refusing to hand over her son’s body and alleged blackmail, stating that they are dictating conditions for the burial. She demanded the return of Navalny’s body and claimed threats from authorities.

Navalnaya met with US President Joe Biden along with Navalny’s widow and daughter in San Francisco. Biden praised Navalny’s courage and anti-corruption efforts, announcing forthcoming sanctions on Russia. Navalny died in a penal colony on February 16, purportedly after falling ill during a walk, though his widow accuses Putin of ordering his killing. The Kremlin denies involvement, dismissing Western reactions as “hysterical.”

Analysts suggest that showing Navalnaya the body aims to negotiate a non-politicized funeral. Navalny was previously poisoned with Novichok in 2020, survived after treatment in Germany, then imprisoned upon returning to Russia in 2021. Russian authorities have aggressively cracked down on attempts to commemorate Navalny’s death, detaining hundreds and removing makeshift memorials.

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France has taken decisive action by announcing the ban of 28 Israeli settlers who stand accused of perpetrating attacks against Palestinian civilians in the occupied West Bank. This move aligns with similar measures enacted by other nations, including the United States and the United Kingdom, which have also imposed restrictions on individuals involved in comparable activities. The French government’s decision comes amidst escalating violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, prompting a firm condemnation of such actions.

In a statement issued by the French foreign ministry, the country emphasized the gravity of the situation, denouncing the unacceptable violence perpetrated against Palestinian civilians. France, along with Poland and Germany, collectively announced sanctions against Israelis implicated in attacks within the West Bank. This concerted effort underscores the international community’s recognition of the need to address the escalating tensions and safeguard the rights of Palestinians in the region.

The French government reiterated its stance on the illegality of colonization under international law, emphasizing the imperative to halt such activities. It emphasized the necessity of ending colonization to pave the way for the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, thereby enabling Israelis and Palestinians to coexist peacefully and securely. France also expressed its intention to pursue sanctions at the European level, highlighting the importance of a coordinated approach among European Union member states in addressing the ongoing conflict.

While the individuals affected by these measures have not been publicly named, the broader context underscores the gravity of the situation. The imposition of sanctions by France and other nations reflects a concerted effort to address the escalating violence and promote stability in the region. As the international community continues to grapple with the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such actions serve as a testament to the importance of upholding human rights and seeking avenues for peaceful resolution.

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