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A former employee opened fire at a shipping company’s office near Athens, resulting in the deaths of three individuals. Reports indicate that the gunman, identified as a 70-year-old Egyptian national, fatally shot two men and a woman, including the company owner, before taking his own life with a hunting rifle. The incident, which began with the armed man entering the building and firing at employees, led to a hostage situation in Glyfada, a location about 12km south of Athens.

Despite efforts by police negotiators to resolve the standoff, the gunman ultimately ended his own life. Shootings are uncommon in Greece, which maintains strict gun possession laws, and this event has shocked the community. Glyfada is home to numerous Greek and international shipping companies, including European Product Carriers, which owns a significant fleet of vessels including oil tankers.

Eyewitnesses described the terrifying ordeal, with one company worker recalling hearing the gunshots and fleeing for safety upon learning about the attacker. The tragic incident underscores the potential risks and consequences of workplace violence, prompting reflection and concern within both the local and international shipping community. The authorities continue to investigate the motive behind the attack and any potential lapses in security measures that may have contributed to its occurrence.

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In Switzerland, police intervened in a hostage situation on a train near Yverdon, resulting in the fatal shooting of a man who had taken 15 passengers captive. The perpetrator, reported to be a 32-year-old asylum seeker from Iran, armed himself with an axe and a knife before coercing the train driver to stop and enter the carriage with the passengers.

Despite attempts by authorities to negotiate with the hostage-taker, who spoke both English and Farsi, their efforts proved unsuccessful. As negotiations faltered, police, including a special unit from Geneva, surrounded the train and initiated communication with the perpetrator. However, after several hours, the situation escalated when the hostage-taker moved away from the passengers, prompting law enforcement to take decisive action.

When the hostage-taker attacked the police during the intervention, officers responded by using firearms to protect both the hostages and themselves. Regrettably, the confrontation resulted in the fatal shooting of the perpetrator. The motives behind the hostage-taking remain unclear, although witnesses reported that the perpetrator appeared visibly distressed during the ordeal.

Following the resolution of the hostage situation, authorities are providing support to the hostages and their families through the Swiss health service’s psychological department. The man responsible for the incident was originally from Iran and had been residing in an asylum seeker center in Neuchatel. While hostage incidents are rare in Switzerland, past occurrences have been recorded in various settings, including banks and businesses, underscoring the importance of effective law enforcement responses to such crises.

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A hostage incident at Hamburg Airport, involving a young child, concluded after 18 hours, as stated by local authorities. On Saturday night, a 35-year-old man breached security and drove onto the airport tarmac with his four-year-old daughter. Parking beneath a plane, he surrendered to the authorities without resistance and was subsequently apprehended. The child was reported to be unharmed, according to the police.

The disruption led to delays in several inbound and outbound flights, although operations have now resumed. At approximately 20:00 local time, the perpetrator fired his weapon into the air and hurled burning bottles from the vehicle, causing a commotion. While it remained unclear if he had explosives, he halted the car close to a fully occupied commercial flight, prompting the safe evacuation of all passengers on board.

Reportedly, the individual’s motive stemmed from disagreement with authorities over custody arrangements, expressing a desire to travel to Turkey with the child. Police spokeswoman Sandra Levgruen shared that he felt his life was in disarray, as per German broadcaster ZDF. Authorities attributed his actions to an “extraordinary psychological state” due to the custody conflicts with his ex-wife. The man had previously faced allegations of kidnapping the child when he took her to Turkey without permission, resulting in an investigation last year. The mother later returned the child to Germany.

Following the incident, Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher extended his support to the mother, child, and their family. Meanwhile, the airport pledged to swiftly restore regular operations, having originally planned 286 flights with around 34,500 passengers for the day.

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