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On Friday, four Balkan countries—Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, and significant parts of the Croatian coast—experienced simultaneous power outages lasting several hours amid a summer heatwave. The blackouts, which began at 13:00 local time (11:00 GMT), were triggered by a surge in power demand as residents used air conditioning to cope with the high temperatures, which approached 40°C.

In Bosnia and Croatia, the outages disrupted traffic lights, leading to transportation chaos in major cities such as Sarajevo and Split. Montenegro’s capital, Podgorica, saw even water pumps cease operation. Power suppliers managed to largely restore electricity by the evening but were still investigating the cause of the failure within the interconnected power systems of the four nations.

The power loss affected Croatia’s tourism sector, with Dubrovnik’s restaurants, pubs, and supermarkets closing and leaving tourists in disarray. Montenegro’s Energy Minister, Sasa Mujovic, attributed the blackouts to a sudden spike in power consumption due to the heat. Reports from Montenegro’s Vijesti TV mentioned a fire in a power transmission line near the Bosnian border, though its connection to the blackouts was unclear.

In Albania, power was restored within half an hour, but officials warned of a high risk of further outages due to continued high energy usage. The western Balkans are transitioning from coal-based energy production, a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, to solar energy. However, industry officials indicate that the aging power infrastructure is not yet fully equipped to handle this shift.

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Around 3,000 individuals have been forced to evacuate their residences on Spain’s Tenerife island due to a rekindled wildfire. This fire, originally ignited on Wednesday, has now affected communities in the island’s northeast, situated away from the primary tourist zones. High temperatures and strong winds have caused the same fire that ravaged the area in August to flare up once again.

To assist in firefighting efforts, Spain’s military has been deployed. Rosa Davila, president of the Tenerife Council, expressed hope that the deployment of multiple helicopters on Thursday would aid in stabilizing the fire. As a precautionary measure, most people have been evacuated from the towns of Santa Ursula and La Orotava, according to local authorities.

The Canary Islands, including Tenerife, have been on high alert for wildfires due to unusually high temperatures. Although the August blaze was brought under control, it was never completely extinguished. That wildfire persisted for several days and caused extensive damage to thousands of hectares of forest surrounding Mount Teide, Spain’s highest peak.

The increased frequency and intensity of heatwaves are attributed to human-induced climate change, which has caused global temperatures to rise by approximately 1.1 degrees Celsius since the start of the industrial era. Without significant reductions in emissions, temperatures will continue to climb.

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Wildfires in Greece have tragically led to the loss of 20 lives and are still raging out of control near Athens and the Evros region close to the Turkish border. Among those killed, 18 are believed to be refugees and migrants who had recently crossed the border and sought refuge in forests north of Alexandroupolis. Greece has expressed deep condolences for the deaths occurring in the Dadia forest near the Turkish border. The fires have been ongoing for five days and have extended along the coast and near the city. Efforts to contain the fires are being hampered by strong winds and scorching temperatures of up to 40°C (104°F).

The victims’ bodies were discovered near a shack close to the village of Avantas, north of Alexandroupolis, by the fire service. The fire service and local authorities had issued evacuation warnings through emergency services. The victims are believed to have recently crossed the border from Turkey along the River Evros, which is a common route for migrants and refugees attempting to enter the European Union. The risk of wildfires adds to the many dangers migrants and refugees face in their journey, including violence, arrest, and drowning in the Mediterranean.

The victims are predominantly male, with two of them being minors. The bodies were found within a relatively small radius, and their identification is expected to be challenging, necessitating the involvement of their relatives. Some individuals had been attempting to follow a well-established path through the forest to avoid detection.

Tensions have arisen in the local communities as some residents blame migrants for causing the fires. However, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that migrants were responsible for starting the Dadia forest fire. A video showing a man “arresting” migrants and refugees and accusing them of arson provoked outrage in Greece, leading to the arrest of the man behind the video and others involved.

In response to the tragic events, the Supreme Court Prosecutor initiated inquiries into both the causes of the fires in the Evros region and incidents of alleged racist violence against migrants following the deaths in the Dadia forest.

As the fires continue to spread, evacuations have been conducted in various areas, including villages near Alexandroupolis and parts of the capital city, Athens. The situation remains challenging for firefighters, compounded by the evacuation of nursing homes and the destruction of homes in some areas.

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A heatwave in Europe has led to red alerts for extreme heat in most of Italy’s major cities. The high temperatures, expected to peak on Wednesday, have put 23 cities on high alert.

The heatwave is affecting millions of people in the northern hemisphere and is accompanied by wildfires in Greece and the Swiss Alps. The heatwave is caused by a high-pressure system bringing warmer air from the tropics, while a jet stream remains stuck over central Europe.

The extreme heat is forecasted to continue through Wednesday in southern Europe, with temperatures exceeding 40°C (104°F). Italy’s health ministry has activated “heat codes” in emergency rooms to handle the increase in heat-related illnesses.

There has been a 20% rise in patients admitted with symptoms such as dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke. Record-breaking temperatures of 41.8°C (107.2°F) were recorded in Rome. Red alerts are also in place in Spain, Greece, and parts of the Balkans. The heatwave is expected to continue into August, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Other parts of the world, including the US and China, are also experiencing extreme heatwaves. Climate change is cited as a significant factor in the increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves.

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A powerful heatwave is currently sweeping across southern Europe, leading to widespread discomfort and raising concerns about the wellbeing of residents and the resilience of infrastructure. Known as “Cerberus,” this extreme weather event is characterized by a relentless onslaught of high temperatures that are significantly surpassing the seasonal norms. Several countries in the region, including Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, are experiencing the effects of this scorching heatwave.

The heatwave has prompted authorities to issue heat alerts and take precautionary measures to safeguard vulnerable individuals from the potentially dangerous consequences of extreme heat. Both residents and tourists are struggling to cope with the oppressive weather, seeking refuge and searching for ways to stay cool amid the soaring temperatures.

The persistent and intense nature of the heatwave has sparked concerns regarding its potential impacts on various aspects of life in the affected areas. Agriculture, in particular, is at risk due to the extreme heat’s detrimental effects on crops and livestock. Water resources, already strained by the prolonged dry spell, are further under pressure as demand for water increases during the heatwave. Additionally, the heightened risk of wildfires is a significant concern, as the combination of scorching temperatures and dry conditions provides ideal conditions for fire outbreaks.

In response to these challenges, authorities are closely monitoring the situation and implementing measures to mitigate the effects of the heatwave. Efforts are focused on providing adequate support to vulnerable populations, ensuring the availability of cooling centers, and implementing fire prevention strategies.

Overall, the Cerberus heatwave is posing significant challenges to southern European countries, requiring coordinated efforts to minimize its impact on public health, infrastructure, and the environment.

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