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After being spotted dancing, singing, and drinking at a recent party, the government of Finland reports that Prime Minister Sanna Marin tested negative for narcotics. To satisfy concerns about her behaviour, Ms. Marin, 36, consented to take the test on Friday.

Although she claims to have never used drugs and to have done nothing wrong during the party, she does admit to drinking beer. She is seen having fun with friends, including a Finnish popstar, in a video that was released.

“No drugs were identified,” according to a government statement in Finnish, during the test. It also said that the prime minister was responsible for covering the test’s costs.

According to the AFP news agency’s citation of special adviser Iida Vallin, Ms. Marin’s urine sample had been examined for the presence of cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, and opioids. After the tapes were made public, Ms. Marin received criticism from a number of lawmakers. One opposition party leader even demanded that she submit to a drug test.

Reporters questioned whether the prime minister, who has been in office since December 2019, would have been able to make hasty political decisions if necessary at a news conference last week. She defended herself by asserting that she was “very good” at functioning and that she had never used drugs, not even as a teenager.

Formerly the youngest head of state in the world (the honour now belongs to Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic), Ms. Marin is known for her frequent appearances at music festivals and her love of partying.

She apologised for going out clubbing last year after being in close proximity to a Covid-19 case. The German news daily Bild branded Ms. Marin the “coolest prime minister in the world” earlier this month.

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