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Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico has been relocated from a hospital in Banska Bystrica, situated in the heart of the country, to Bratislava, the nation’s capital, to continue his recovery journey. This decision comes in the aftermath of a shooting incident that left him with severe injuries, occurring two weeks prior.

The 59-year-old politician was targeted in Handlova on May 15, where he was shot four times at close range while engaging with supporters following a government meeting. Enduring multiple surgical procedures, Fico’s health status prompted the decision for further care and observation.

Details regarding Fico’s current whereabouts remain undisclosed, as it is unclear whether he has been discharged to his residence in Bratislava or transferred to another medical facility for ongoing treatment. The shift in his condition has attracted significant media attention both domestically and internationally.

Fico’s political tenure spans over a decade, during which he has held the prime ministerial position for a substantial portion of the past 18 years. His return to power in September, leading a coalition characterized by populist-nationalist ideologies, marked a significant chapter in Slovakian politics.

The shooting incident has exacerbated existing tensions within Slovakia, a nation grappling with increasing polarization in its political landscape. The attack has served to deepen societal divisions and raise concerns about the stability of the country’s governance.

The alleged perpetrator, identified by local media as 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, has been apprehended and is currently in custody, facing charges of attempted murder. The ongoing investigation seeks to shed light on the motives behind the attack and its potential ramifications for Slovakian society and its political future.

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In France’s Pacific territory of New Caledonia, a French policeman has killed a protester, marking the seventh death in a week of violence ignited by contentious voting reforms. Prosecutor Yves Dupas in Nouméa, the capital, stated that the officer, currently in custody, fired his weapon after coming under attack from demonstrators on Friday. The deceased was a 48-year-old man. This incident follows a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron, who announced efforts to reach a new political agreement on the reforms.

The protests, led by the indigenous Kanak community who constitute 40% of the population, were sparked by planned voting reforms. Currently, only indigenous Kanaks and those who arrived from France before 1998 can vote. The proposed changes would allow more French residents, including those who have lived in New Caledonia for at least ten years, to vote. The Kanaks fear this could dilute their political power and hinder future independence referendums.

A manslaughter inquiry has been initiated, a standard procedure in France when a police officer kills someone. According to Dupas, the officer fired a shot from his service weapon during a physical altercation, with initial findings indicating the officers had facial injuries.

President Macron, during his one-day visit on Thursday, paused the reform but did not completely withdraw it, as demanded by pro-independence groups. He expressed a desire to reach a comprehensive political agreement on the territory’s future. In response to the unrest, thousands of additional police forces have been deployed to restore order.

Economic disparities are significant in New Caledonia, with the poverty rate among the indigenous Kanaks at 32.5%, compared to 9% among non-Kanaks, as per the 2019 census. France colonized New Caledonia in 1853 and made it an overseas territory in 1946, granting political rights to Kanaks under the 1998 Nouméa Accord. This accord also limited voting in provincial and assembly elections to pre-1998 residents. Since then, over 40,000 French nationals have moved to the territory.

Three independence referendums held between 2018 and 2021 showed narrow majorities for remaining part of France, with the third being boycotted by pro-independence groups due to the Covid pandemic. The recent violence has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, leading Macron to state that the state of emergency would be lifted once protesters’ barricades were dismantled. He described the unrest as an “unprecedented insurrection movement.”

Currently, Nouméa airport is closed to commercial flights, with military flights evacuating around 300 Australian and 50 New Zealand tourists who reported arson, looting, and food shortages.

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The captain of a cruise ship involved in a fatal collision with a small tour boat on the River Danube in Budapest, resulting in the death of 28 people, has been sentenced to five years in prison. This incident occurred during a rainstorm in May 2019 when the Mermaid, carrying South Korean tourists, quickly sank following the collision.

The Ukrainian captain of the Viking Sigyn cruise ship, Yuri Chaplinsky, maintained his innocence but was found guilty of gross negligence. Chaplinsky intends to appeal the verdict.

This tragedy marked the Danube’s worst accident in three decades, impacting Europe’s second-longest river. Hungarian prosecutors argued in March 2020 that Chaplinsky had failed to pay sufficient attention and neglected proper navigation during the rainstorm. They stated that he didn’t detect the presence of the Mermaid, failed to communicate or issue emergency signals, and did not focus on steering the ship for several critical minutes.

The collision occurred just after 21:00 local time on May 29 when both vessels were passing under Budapest’s Margaret Bridge. Although seven of the 35 people on board the Mermaid were rescued and some bodies were swiftly recovered, others were swept away in the swift-flowing river or trapped inside the sinking boat. The boat sank within moments of the collision.

Twenty-five of the victims were South Koreans, including the Mermaid’s captain and a crew member. Only seven Korean passengers survived the accident, and one individual remains unaccounted for.

Chaplinsky, who has been in custody since 2019, expressed deep sorrow for the tragic accident during the court proceedings. He acknowledged that he cannot escape the memories of the tragedy and that it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Notably, he was acquitted of the charge of failing to provide assistance.

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