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Firefighters and forensic experts in Spain have reported the recovery of nine bodies from the wreckage of a 14-floor apartment complex in Valencia after a fire ravaged it. Initially, authorities stated that 10 people had perished, but later revised the number, indicating one person was missing.

The rapid spread of the flames, believed to have originated on the fourth floor of one of the blocks, was attributed to both the cladding affixed to the exterior of the building and strong winds. The fire engulfed the structure within minutes, hindering firefighters’ efforts to reach beyond the 12th floor due to the swift combustion facilitated by the cladding.

Investigations highlighted the cladding, which was permitted under building regulations at the time of construction in 2008 but has since been prohibited, as a potential cause for the fire’s rapid escalation. Despite its ban, there was no initiative to remove the hazardous cladding, contrasting with measures taken in the UK after the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Amidst the devastation, acts of bravery emerged, including the efforts of a caretaker named Julián, who courageously attempted to evacuate residents as the fire spread. Individuals recounted harrowing experiences of escaping the inferno, with some sustaining injuries. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and other officials pledged support for the affected families and communities.

Efforts to aid those displaced by the fire are underway, with initiatives to provide housing and essential supplies. The local community has rallied to offer assistance, with donations pouring in for the survivors. In a gesture of respect for the victims, a La Liga match scheduled for Saturday has been postponed. Valencia FC expressed condolences for the tragedy that befell the city.

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EU leaders have urged the establishment of “corridors and pauses” to ensure the delivery of crucial humanitarian aid to Gaza. Following lengthy discussions in Brussels, the leaders issued a joint statement emphasizing the necessity of safe and unimpeded access. Disagreements among member states had previously centered on the duration and structure of these pauses, with some advocating for a longer, singular cessation of hostilities.

In response to Hamas’s attack that led to significant casualties, Israel initiated airstrikes and imposed blockades on essential supplies, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. The health system in Gaza, operated by Hamas, has been strained to the brink, with a large number of casualties and a shortage of functioning medical facilities.

Although the aid reaching Gaza has been limited, the recent statement from the EU leaders represents a compromise among the diverse views of the 27 member states. The use of “humanitarian pauses” as brief intervals aims to allow the EU to work with regional partners to provide essential resources without being exploited by terrorist organizations, as clarified in the statement.

The decision to use the term “pauses” rather than “pause” was a result of delicate negotiations. The former was considered less likely to imply a permanent ceasefire, thereby acknowledging Israel’s right to self-defense. Notably, certain member states, including Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany, which holds a strong pro-Israel stance, played a significant role in shaping the statement’s wording.

While some countries expressed disappointment at the absence of a specific call for a ceasefire, there was approval for the addition of a new line supporting the organization of an international peace conference. The proposed conference aligns with the Spanish caretaker Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s earlier call for an international peace summit to address the long-standing conflict in the region.

Given that the EU lacks military authority, its influence is primarily diplomatic, focusing on diplomatic pressure and the provision of aid. Despite the EU’s efforts, Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s war cabinet, asserted that Israel would continue to make autonomous decisions regarding its actions in Gaza, based on its national interests.

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