Susan Sarandon supports assisted dying

After taking on the role of a terminally ill woman, Susan Sarandon, the American actress and activist has given her support for assisted dying.
Sarandon’s new movie named ‘Blackbird’, directed and written by Gina Prince-Bythewood sees her play a mother named Lily who gathers her family to tell them of her wish to die.
At the Toronto Film Festival, Sarandon commented about the movie as, “”It’s an individual choice”.
“Everybody has the right to make a decision without your family members being charged with homicide. You should be able to be surrounded by those people”, added the actress.
In US, eight states have legalised the medically assisted suicide. After the legalisation of a new law, Maine is also expected to follow the suit.
Though this issue is slightly controversial, this is being thoroughly discussed in light of the country’s changing demographics.
Sarandon said, “There’s so many baby boomers now, this is something that’s being discussed more in the United States”.
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