Kate Winslet covers mum’s £17,000 energy bill

Kate Winslet has given a mother who has pay an astronomical energy bill to maintain her daughter’s life support £17,000. Clackmannanshire Council informed Carolynne Hunter that her bill would be expensive the following year.
Freya, her 12-year-old daughter, is oxygen dependent due to her severe cerebral palsy and ongoing breathing issues. When the Titanic actress interfered after hearing about their altercation on BBC Scotland, Ms. Hunter claimed she was overcome.
Winslet made a £17,000 donation to the family’s GoFundMe page and wished them well in a message to Ms. Hunter.
Our family’s path has been quite stressful, and Ms. Hunter, 49, said: “At this point in my life, I just feel done.”
“When I heard about the money I just burst into tears – I thought it wasn’t even real. I’m still thinking is this real?” The Hunters live in a large council house in Tillicoultry – which is not energy efficient – so there is space for Freya’s equipment.
Currently, running the equipment and heating the house costs them £6,500 year, though Ms. Hunter claimed she had turned off the heat in most rooms to save money.
She earns a moderate wage working full-time, but she does not have access to the same resources as others with lower salaries.
As a result of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, Ms. Hunter is particularly concerned that anticipated winter power outages could endanger Freya’s care.
Freya requires oxygen therapy for breathing issues in addition to cerebral palsy, especially at night.
At least two NHS nurses or employees of self-directed support (SDS), a type of social care, are needed to assist the family.
Freya’s oxygen levels are monitored, and staff members frequently suction Freya to keep her airways open.
In recent months Freya’s room was the only one to be heated in order to keep her and her staff comfortable – but Ms Hunter said they have had to cut back.
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