IOC to decide fate of Olympics soon

Soon, the International Olympic Committee is set to decide the fate of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games – which is scheduled to commence on 24th July, 2020.
Several countries have expressed their concern about the Olympics on the wake of the virus outbreak. Some countries have requested the IOC to postpone the Olympics.
Notably, Canada has withdrawn from the Olympics.
There is a chance that other countries – particularly those who have been affected severely by the virus outbreak – follow the path paved by Canada.
The IOC is expected to decide the fate of the 2020 Olympics – which is scheduled to take place in the Asian country of Japan – within the timeframe of four weeks.
As per a latest report, the IOC is not happy with the request seeking the postponement of the Olympics. Anyway, the IOC has not made an official comment about the issue yet.
It is clear that the IOC is under severe pressure to postpone the Olympics.
It was expected that the 2020 Olympics would be the most colourful Olympics. Tokyo started way early to make the event memorable.
It is unfortunate that the efforts made by Japan struggle to meet its fructification for a reason which is not in control of the country – as strange as the outbreak of a disastrous disease.
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