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The Supreme Court of Spain changes the decision – ‘Wolf Pack’ convicted of Rape

‘Wolf Pack’ . 5 men are sentenced to prison for 15 years, by the Supreme Court of Spain, for raping an 18-year-old woman.

The attack on the teenage woman that shocked Spain was earlier explained as a sexual abuse alone. But, the court finds that it was a case of rape.

Five men known as ‘Wolf Pack’ has been convicted for the rape. They were originally given nine years in jail when they were cleared of rape. But as a result of the appeal that was given to the Supreme court by the prosecutors, the judges increased their sentences to 15 years.

The incident happened in 2016, during the countries famous bulls festival in Pamplona. The men, known as La Manada,” or “Wolf Pack” (in a WhatsApp text chain) dragged the teen to the lobby of an apartment building. The convicts are José Ángel Prenda Martínez, Ángel Boza, Antonio Manuel Guerrero Escudero, Alfonso Jesús Cabezuelo Entrena and Jesús Escudero Domínguez.

She was raped by these men and some among them had filmed it. The victim’s phone was also stolen. The men had sent the video to their WhatsApp group. This video was the key point to the question that whether the victim was sexually abused or rapped.

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Europe Times

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