Deadly blast sends shockwaves to Spaniards

A deadly blast happened at a chemical factory in the Spanish autonomous territory of Catalonia has sent shockwaves to the people of the country.
As per a preliminary assumption, the blast was accidental. Initially, the authorities asked the residents of the area to stay safely inside their homes. But, later, the directive has been revoked by the same authority, as they have found that no harmful gas was released during the blast.
Catalonia is a heavily industrialised region in the European country of Spain. It is an autonomous region. A movement for the independence of this region from Spain is at a crucial juncture at this stage.
The present Spanish government owes the separatist parties in the region for its existence, as these parties form an integral part of the ruling coalition.
It is not clear how this development is going to reflect in the continuing agitation aimed at the independence of the region from the control of Spain.
No region in Spain is as prosperous as Catalonia. The Spanish economy relies hugely on the region for its stability.
The disinterest of Spain to give the region what it wants is linked to the aforesaid fact. The country knows well that losing Catalonia means losing its economic stability.
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