Greece witnessed the birth of a ‘Triple parented’ baby !

‘Three-person’ baby boy was born in Greece on Tuesday. The baby boy had a born weight of 2.9kg (6lbs). Doctors said that the mother and baby are in good health condition.
This magical birth was actually an experimental result, carried out in order to overcome a woman’s infertility, by the fertility doctors in Greece and Spain. The doctors said that the baby was born from three people! They are referring this as “making medical history” which could help infertile couples around the world. The procedure is reportedly known as ‘mitochondrial replacement therapy’.
Some experts in UK are not supporting this as it raises ethical questions and they are saying that this should not have taken place. As per doctors, this is an experimental form of IVF treatment that uses an egg from the mother, sperm from the father, and another egg from a donor woman.
Severe mitochondrial diseases, that could have been transferred from mother to baby can be solved by this procedure. The patient here was a women of age 32, who had undergone about four unsuccessful IVF cycles.
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