UNHC for Refugees appeals for the US’s support to address the issue of forced displacement

A day after the United States got a new government, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees has appealed for the support of the new administration of the Unites States to address the issue of forced displacement across the world.
Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner, says; “We look forward to deepening the strong and trusted partnership with the United States, and to working with the new administration and congress to address the many challenges of forced displacement around the world.”
The refugee crisis is the biggest problem the world is facing at this juncture.
The developed world, especially certain western European countries like Germany and the United Kingdom and certain North American countries such as the United States and Canada, is struggling to handle the issue.
The steady exodus from the under developed world to the developed world is the new normal.
The issue is creating several issues in the developed world in the sense of security as well as in the sense of economy.
What the latest appeal by the UNHC for Refugees implies is that the arm of the UN, which handles the matter of refugee, is interested to work with the developed world, especially the US, to address the global refugee crisis.
Moreover, it also indicates the global organisation views the changed political scenario in the US as a positive development.
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