UN Paris Climate Agreement getting within reach, says a report

A report, developed by the Climate Action Tracker group, says that the goals of the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement are getting within reach.
The report has been developed after China, one of the superpowers, made a fresh assurance in connection with climate change.
It is learned that the change in the political climate in the United States with the defeat of US President Donald Trump in the US Presidential Election against Democrat candidate Joe Biden has also influenced the outcome of the report.
Apart from the afore said points, the fresh assurances delivered by many developed countries like the US and China and certain developing countries have impacted the report.
The development means that the world could limit the rise in the temperature to less than 2.1 C by the end of this century.
Earlier, certain study reports warned that if the things progressed in this place a 3 C rise in the temperature might be witnessed.
Anyway, experts are still worried that the long-term optimism is not matched by short-term plans to cut CO2.
Climate change is a serious issue. It is high time to find a solution to this crisis.
The Paris Climate Agreement was a landmark agreement towards the end of brining the issue of climate change under control.
The walkout of certain countries like the US from the agreement has reduced the strength to an extent.
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