Tension returns in Ukraine

A solider has been killed and at least four injured when the Ukrainian force has come under the attack of the rebel force which has the support of Russia.
What the attack threatens is the deal the Ukrainian government recently reached with the rebels with the blessing of Russia.
The Ukraine government has convened an urgent meeting to evaluate the situation. The government may adopt from strong measures to bring the situation under its control.
Meanwhile, the Russian backed rebels have dismissed the allegation that they have consciously carried out a provocative attack against the Ukraine government defaming the deal they earlier reached with the government.
The attack has happened in an area controlled by the rebels force.
As per the opinion of the rebel force, the Ukraine force has stepped into a minefield established by the rebel force.
The situation is at present under control.
Whether the situation will escalate or not depends on what decision the government takes in this matter.
Russia has not yet responded about the issue. Since the inception of the new President in Ukraine, Russia is in a good relation with its neighbour.
The deal the Ukraine force reached with the rebel force lately was the reflection of the European superpower’s changed attitude against Ukraine.
At this moment, it remains unclear how the present development is going to impact the European political hemisphere.
Ukraine has the support of the west especially the European Union. It also enjoys the backing of the United States.
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