
In the recent past, tens of thousands of Vietnamese people have risked their life to reach the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, most of them have not succeeded in their mission. And, some of them have even fallen under the clutches of death.

Yet, the illegal migrant flow from Vietnamese to the UK is still heavy. Middlemen make millions through the business.

It is poverty in Vietnam that keeps the flow heavy. Even though Vietnam is a booming economy, the wealth is not distributed equality in the country. Therefore, some regions in the country are still poor. It is those in this region more vulnerable compared to the rest.

There are two kinds of travel options available: premium and economy. Even though the latter sounds to be less risky, in reality both are equally risky.

From the moment an illegal migrant steps out of his/her country, he/she is under the mercy of his/her agent. That means anything can happen to a illegal migrant en route to his/her dream country.

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