
Katri Kulmuni, the Finance Minister of Finland, has filed her resignation following revelations that she spent more than €50,000 of public money on media training.

Ms Kulmuni, who is the leader of the ruling Centre Party since September 2019, earlier promised that she would pay back the entire money to the country.

She is not the first person who has resigned from the coalition government which rules the European country of Finland. Actually, she is the second senior member of the coalition government to resign in the recent times.

Last year, she, who was just 32-year-old, was presented by Finish medias as the young rise from the Finnish political platform.  

While speaking to media personals about the resignation, the young politician has said that she was not aware about the gravity of the issue.

Anyway, speaking about the resignation, Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has called the decision of his colleague as bold. V

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