The resignations of high profile political leaders, including Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s top aid Keith Schembri, Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi and Economy Minister Chris Cardona, in connection with the investigation into the murder of acclaimed Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia known for her fearless articles against corruption has jolted the tiny European country of Malta.
Since the unearthing of the connection of some of the colleagues with the murder of the journalist, the popularity of the charismatic leader of the country has plummeted significantly.
The opposition has come out strongly against the supremo. The opposition MPs has called the supremo ‘mafia’ when he has reached the parliament to attend the session.
The protest against the prime minister is at its peak in the country. The protesters have even thrown eggs at the vehicle owned by the PM, clearly showing how far the popularity of the supremo has come down.
Recently, a business man was arrested dramatically in connection with the murder of the journalist. But, sadly, he was send off on a bail hours after the arrest.
Similarly, a middle man arrested in connection with the murder was pardoned by the Malta government on the ground that he offered some vital information about the crime in return.
The aforesaid realities are what that gives strength to the allegation that some top officials in the present Maltese government have connection with those who committed the brutality against the journalist.
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