A special police team has been deployed to investigate the disappearance of cats from an Italian village. Hundreds of cats have gone missing this summer from a village in the Santa Maria del Piano area near Lesignano de’ Bagni in the northern Italian province of Parma.
Luana Giusti, a veterinarian in the area, said there had been complaints of cats going missing since the end of May and that complete information on them had been kept.
In the past few weeks, locals say more than 50 cats have gone missing from homes and public places in the area. Most of the missing are domestic cats.
Authorities believe the cats were stolen, not for sale. Because none of the missing cats are valuable or of the higher species. Cats have not been found dead or injured in road accidents.
A few years ago, a man was caught stealing cats from a nearby area to be used to train hounds. But police say he has no role in the current incident. A team of Italian police, Carabinieri, Forestry Police and local police have launched an investigation into the mysterious sighting of the cats.
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