Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who faces criticism for his less serious attitude towards the Covid-19 outbreak, has diluted the law which requires people to wear masks in public places.
At the same time, he has vetoed their use in shops, churches and schools.
A law making the use of masks in public obligatory was originally passed during the coronavirus pandemic.
In a social media broadcast – as a justification for his latest action, Mr Bolsonaro has said that people could have been fined for not wearing a mask at home.
He has refused to acknowledge the gravity of Brazil’s Covid-19 outbreak, despite it having the world’s second-highest numbers of cases and deaths.
The virus has infected almost 1.5 million people and killed 61,884 there since late February, according to data collated by Johns Hopkins University.
The west has strongly criticised the Brazil President for his attitude towards the outbreak.
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