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Sweden Accuses Iran of Hacking SMS Service to Fuel Quran Burning Tensions

Sweden’s security service, Sapo, has accused Iranian intelligence of hacking a Swedish text messaging service to send over 15,000 messages calling for “revenge against Quran-burners.” The cyberattack, linked to the Revolutionary Guards’ (IRGC) affiliated group Anzu, allegedly aimed to deepen societal divisions and paint Sweden as Islamophobic after Quran burnings triggered outrage in several Muslim-majority countries.

Iran’s embassy in Stockholm has dismissed the accusations as “baseless.” However, Swedish investigators found strong links between the hackers and the IRGC, noting that the messages added to the existing threats against the country. While the hackers have been identified, Sweden has shelved its investigation as extradition is impossible.

This isn’t the first instance of hostile actions attributed to Iran. Last year, Sapo accused Tehran of using criminal networks in Sweden to target individuals Iran deemed a threat. Iran, Russia, and China are currently seen as the greatest security risks to the Nordic country.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright

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